Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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One World – Part 3: Australian Dreaming|一個地球 第三集 Australian Dreaming|一个地球 第三集 Australian Dreaming

Did you watch the last two episodes that were shown on television? Many of my friends have told me that after watching the program, they have this sudden urge to visit Australia~! This place is definitely a place that I’d highly recommend for everyone to visit. In this episode, I’m going to visit some Australian Aborigines with Tony and take everyone on a journey to see their traditional yet modern lifestyle.

In fact, 400 years ago, before the first European travelers even stepped foot on Australian soil, Aborigines were already living on this land that everyone at the time called the new continent, and they had already established a deep relationship spanning over 40,000 years. On this trip, we were lucky enough to visit the Aborigine tribe leader. We learnt about their lifestyles and saw if their lifestyles had changed or improved over the eras of time. We also tried some uniquely Aboriginal things that they do daily, for example balancing things on their head while walking, hunting with spears and arrows, and many other things. All of these things seemed new and novel to me but in actual fact, these traditions have existed for many years already!

On the next episode, a lot of my friends will be on screen to see you all. Don’t forget to watch it! 


| 大家有沒有看到之前兩集的播出呢?我有很多朋友告訴我他們看完了以後馬上有股衝動想要去澳洲呢 ~!這個地方確實是非常值得向大家推薦的,而這一集我將會跟 Tony一起探訪澳洲的土著,帶大家去看看他們傳統中又帶點摩登的生活。prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /


其實在 400年前歐洲人還未在澳洲留下第一個腳印前,土著與這片當時世人眼中的新大陸,早已經建立了四萬年的深厚感情。我們這一次有幸去探訪土著的族長,看看他們到現在的生活有沒有隨著時代的進步而改變;而我也會嘗試他們的一些土著特式生活習慣如在頭上頂著東西走路,射茅箭捕捉獵物等等,一切對我來說都很新鮮,而其實這些事在世界上已經存在了很多年歷史了!





| 大家有没有看到之前两集的播出呢?我有很多朋友告诉我他们看完了以后马上有股冲动想要去澳洲呢 ~!这个地方确实是非常值得向大家推荐的,而这一集我将会跟 Tony一起探访澳洲的土着,带大家去看看他们传统中又带点摩登的生活。   其实在 400年前欧洲人还未在澳洲留下第一个脚印前,土着与这片当时世人眼中的新大陆,早已经建立了四万年的深厚感情。我们这一次有幸去探访土着的族长,看看他们到现在的生活有没有随着时代的进步而改变;而我也会尝试他们的一些土着特式生活习惯如在头上顶着东西走路,射茅箭捕捉猎物等等,一切对我来说都很新鲜,而其实这些事在世界上已经存在了很多年历史了!   下一集将会有我很多好朋友出来跟大家见面,大家千万不要错过了!   

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Hong Kong
September 4, 2008