Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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One World Part 5: Safe-Guarding Gold Coast|一個地球 第五集 Safe-Guarding Gold Coast|一个地球 第五集 Safe-Guarding Gold Coast

The final episode of is here. Recently a lot of friends have also watched this programme and afterwards also said that this place is really very beautiful; indeed, our earth has always been this beautiful, therefore we really must properly address the work of environmental conservation, to cherish this earth that belongs to us~!



This episode we arrived at Gold Coast filled with sunshine and beaches. Coming to this place sweltering with heat immediately filled me with vitality~! Actually Gold Coast has many beaches, many tourists, and of course many life savers. Each of them closely stick to their post, to save tourists' lives, and volunteer to become the dazzling strength of this swimming club, propagating Australia's unique Surf Life Saving spirit! So this time we went to see the patrol duty of a group of lifeguards equipped with unique skills including "six pack". And my partner Tony will even take everyone to learn about one of Australia's largest lifesavers iron man competition. The competition is really intense, so make sure you don't miss it~!


This episode we arrived at Gold Coast filled with sunshine and beaches. Coming to this place sweltering with heat immediately filled me with vitality~! Actually Gold Coast has many beaches, many tourists, and of course many life savers. Each of them closely stick to their post, to save tourists' lives, and volunteer to become the dazzling strength of this swimming club, propagating Australia's unique Surf Life Saving spirit! So this time we went to see the patrol duty of a group of lifeguards equipped with unique skills including "six pack". And my partner Tony will even take everyone to learn about one of Australia's largest lifesavers iron man competition. The competition is really intense, so make sure you don't miss it~!

| 到了 <一個地球 –澳洲篇

的最後一集了,最近很多朋友也有看這個節目然後也跟我說這個地方真的很漂亮;是的,我們的地球本來就是這麼漂亮,所以我們真的要好好去面對保育環境的工作,去愛惜這個屬於我們的地球 ~!



這一集我們來到充滿陽光與海灘的 Gold Coast黃金海岸,能夠來到這個熱浪逼人的地方即時讓我充滿了朝氣 ~!其實 Gold Coast的海灘多,泳客多,救生員也一定會多,他們每個都緊守崗位,為泳客拯命的同時,更自願組成泳會耀武揚威,宣揚澳洲特有的 Surf Life Saving精神!所以我們這一次去看看這一群身懷絕技加上“六塊腹肌”的救生員巡邏當值的情況,而我的拍檔 Tony更會帶大家去瞭解澳洲其中一個最大型的救生員鐵人賽,比賽的情況真的很緊張激烈的,大家千萬不要錯過了 ~!


這次拍攝的過程非常愉快,我們的工作團隊也很開心能夠將這個獨特漂亮的澳洲呈現給大家觀看 ~!在這裡要特別感謝 NOW TV給我這麼難得的機會,還有澳洲旅遊局及昆士蘭旅遊局的大力幫助,當然要謝謝每個星期觀看節目的您啦 ~!

| 到了<一个地球 –澳洲篇> 的最后一集了,最近很多朋友也有看这个节目然后也跟我说这个地方真的很漂亮;是的,我们的地球本来就是这麽漂亮,所以我们真的要好好去面对保育环境的工作,去爱惜这个属于我们的地球 ~!     这一集我们来到充满阳光与海滩的 Gold Coast黄金海岸,能够来到这个热浪逼人的地方即时让我充满了朝气 ~!其实 Gold Coast的海滩多,泳客多,救生员也一定会多,他们每个都紧守岗位,为泳客拯命的同时,更自愿组成泳会耀武扬威,宣扬澳洲特有的 Surf Life Saving精神!所以我们这一次去看看这一群身怀绝技加上“六块腹肌”的救生员巡逻当值的情况,而我的拍档 Tony更会带大家去瞭解澳洲其中一个最大型的救生员铁人赛,比赛的情况真的很紧张激烈的,大家千万不要错过了 ~!   这次拍摄的过程非常愉快,我们的工作团队也很开心能够将这个独特漂亮的澳洲呈现给大家观看 ~!在这裡要特别感谢 NOW TV给我这麽难得的机会,还有澳洲旅游局及昆士兰旅游局的大力帮助,当然要谢谢每个星期观看节目的您啦 ~!

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45862083 0af2fd4d5d
is that the Australian David Hassellhof?!?
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 453287
nice pic !
接近 15 年 ago



Hong Kong
September 4, 2008