Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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The Guangzhou Love and Compassion Concert with Jackie Chan and Friends|成龍與他的朋友們廣州愛心演唱會|成龙与他的朋友们广州爱心演唱会

Today at the office, I received a souvenir gift from Jackie Chan. It immediately reminded me of a charity concert that I participated in last November held by Jackie in Guangzhou. I was already extremely happy to be given the opportunity to sing on the same stage as Jackie during the Olympics opening ceremony, and also meet up again during the closing ceremony. It never came across my mind that several months later, we could come together again and contribute a bit of our effort towards charity.


  (Picture source from Ming Pao Daily)

Everybody knows that being able to make a film with Jackie is already a great honor. Being able to sing a duet with him was super honorable! Because a busy person like Jackie doesn’t sing very often anymore. That evening, I sang duet rendition of “Stand Up” (Zhan Qi Lai) with Jackie and then sang a solo of “Midsummer Fruit” (Shengxia Di Guoshi). | 今日,於公司中收到成龍大哥寄來的紀念品禮物. 馬上記起去年11月時,我參與了成龍大哥於廣州舉行的慈善基金演唱會.真開心於奧運開幕時可以跟大哥同台唱歌,閉幕時又再聚在一起.想不到數個月後,我們又可以一起為慈善出一分力了.


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大家都知道能夠跟大哥拍戲已經很榮幸, 我能夠合唱更是超級榮幸呢!因為大哥這個大忙人現在比較少唱歌了.當晚跟大哥合唱了一曲”站起來”和獨唱了”盛夏的果實”.

| 今日,于公司中收到成龙大哥寄来的纪念品礼物. 马上记起去年11月时,我参与了成龙大哥于广州举行的慈善基金演唱会.真开心于奥运开幕时可以跟大哥同台唱歌,闭幕时又再聚在一起.想不到数个月后,我们又可以一起为慈善出一分力了.     (照片来自明报)  大家都知道能够跟大哥拍戏已经很荣幸, 我能够合唱更是超级荣幸呢!因为大哥这个大忙人现在比较少唱歌了.当晚跟大哥合唱了一曲”站起来”和独唱了”盛夏的果实”.

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  13 评论s  0 shares
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great stuff Karen!
接近 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
September 4, 2008