Official Artist
Karen Mok
Actor , Singer
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Trail of the Panda|熊貓回家路|熊猫回家路

Since the last time Bowen reported the visit to the pandas in Sichuan, I believe everyone feels as I do that our national treasure is very cute. Those who miss them, don't worry, Disney film will screen around the world on the 8th of May. Last time I went to visit the pandas, of which one is the lead in this film. At six months old, it had participated acting in the film . Everyone can take advantage of the opportunity to once again see this adorable panda.

In order to support the first time our national treasure in China is shooting a film, I have organised a quiz game with a prize to play with everyone. Those who want to participate simply leave the answers to the following three questions on the message board. Those who answered correctly and have been selected can win a secret gift. Of course it will also have my personally signed autograph on it.

Answers and the winner will be announced on the 8th of May. Winners will be notified.

Question 1: Which place in China is the film shot? (Need to write the name of the city and protected areas)

Question 2: What is the real name of the boy actor in the film?

Question 3:What is the name used in the film of the panda that plays the main role in the film? (Mainland or Hong Kong version answers are both acceptable)

At the official website there are some film stills brimming with warmth for download. You can visit the following website





| 自從上一次於博文中報導過探訪四川熊貓的事情後 ,相信大家都跟我一樣 ,覺得我們的國寶非常可愛 .很掛念牠們的朋友不要緊 ,迪士尼電影 <熊貓回家路

將於 5月 8日全球上映 .上一次我去探訪熊貓,當中有一只是這部電影的主角了.當牠六個月大的時候 ,就已經參與演出 <熊貓回家路 的電影 .大家又可以趁這個機會再見到可愛的熊貓了 . prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /


為了支持我們的中國國寶第一次拍攝電影 ,

我準備了有獎問答遊戲跟大家玩 .想參加遊戲的朋友 ,只需把以下三條問題的答案寫在留言版上 ,答中而又被抽中的朋友 ,可以得到 <熊貓回家路

的神秘精美禮品 ,當然上面還有我的親筆簽名呢 .

答案及得獎者於 5月 8日公佈 .得獎者會有專人通知你 .


問題 1:電影於中國那一個地方實地拍攝呢 ?(需要寫出城市及保護區名字 )

問題 2:電影中的男小演員真實名字是什麼呢 ?

問題 3:於電影中擔當主角的熊貓,牠在戲中的名字是什麼呢 ?(內地或香港版答案也可以 )





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| 自从上一次于博文中报导过探访四川熊猫的事情后 ,相信大家都跟我一样 ,觉得我们的国宝非常可爱 .很挂念牠们的朋友不要紧 ,迪士尼电影 <熊猫回家路

将于 5月 8日全球上映 .上一次我去探访熊猫,当中有一只是这部电影的主角了.当牠六个月大的时候 ,就已经参与演出 <熊猫回家路 的电影 .大家又可以趁这个机会再见到可爱的熊猫了 .   为了支持我们的中国国宝第一次拍摄电影 , 我准备了有奖问答游戏跟大家玩 .想参加游戏的朋友 ,只需把以下三条问题的答桉写在留言版上 ,答中而又被抽中的朋友 ,可以得到 <熊猫回家路 的神秘精美礼品 ,当然上面还有我的亲笔签名呢 . 答桉及得奖者于 5月 8日公佈 .得奖者会有专人通知你 .   问题 1:电影于中国那一个地方实地拍摄呢 ?(需要写出城市及保护区名字 ) 问题 2:电影中的男小演员真实名字是什麽呢 ? 问题 3:于电影中担当主角的熊猫,牠在戏中的名字是什麽呢 ?(内地或香港版答桉也可以 )     <熊猫回家路 的官方网站有一些温馨洋溢的剧照供大家< span style="font-family: '新细明体','serif';">下载 .大家可以到以下的网站流览http://www.disney.cn/panda/      

over 15 years ago 0 likes  40 comments  0 shares
Ianpowers 0f ianpowers
the beijing premiere was great, the pandas are so cute
over 15 years ago
Photo 319485
Wow! Soooooo cute!!! Thanks for bringing this film to my attention! ~Shairah~
over 15 years ago


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Hong Kong
Member Since
September 4, 2008
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