Last time I mentioned that I would have more games and competitions to play, has everyone been looking forward to it then? It’s nearly Valentine’s Day so of course we have to play a game that has something to do with
Rules of the game: Using excerpts from any piece of work associated to me, combine the various passages and write me a little love letter.
For example, the content of the letter can include any of my song titles or parts of the lyrics, a character from a movie I’ve done or even some of the dialogue.
The most creative entrant will win a set of my Lunar New Year photos, consisting of 12 different New Year greetings photos of me and all personally autographed. There is only one set available so I guarantee that it’s a collector’s item!
Okay, my friends, if you’d like to participate, all you need to do is post your best work on my message board/comments for this blog entry (don’t send an email). Each person can only submit one piece of work!
The winner will be announced on the 14th of February, and will be contacted by one of my staff.
Remember – competition is second, friendship comes first! | 上一次提及到我們會玩遊戲,大家是不是很期待呢?情人節快到,當然要玩一個關於<愛>的遊戲吧!大家還可以盡情地用愛去發揮你的創作力呢! prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
玩法:大家可以用任何關於我的作品來串連寫一封小情書給我.內容可以包括我任何的歌曲名字或歌詞,電影中的角色或對白.最有創意的一位參加者可以得到我一套十二款的親筆簽名賀年照片. 只此一套, 保證珍藏呢!
記得比賽第二,友誼第一啊!| 上一次提及到我们会玩游戏,大家是不是很期待呢?情人节快到,当然要玩一个关于<爱>的游戏吧!大家还可以尽情地用爱去发挥你的创作力呢! 玩法:大家可以用任何关于我的作品来串连写一封小情书给我.内容可以包括我任何的歌曲名字或歌词,电影中的角色或对白.最有创意的一位参加者可以得到我一套十二款的亲笔签名贺年照片. 只此一套, 保证珍藏呢!< /p> 想参与的朋友,只需要把你的杰作放在留言板上(不用留email),每人只可以写一次啊!答桉及得奖名单于二月十四日公佈.中奖者有专人通知你. 记得比赛第二,友谊第一啊!