After doing the calculations many times over, my colleagues also have a headache now. But don’t worry, it doesn’t matter if you wrote your answer publically on the message board or if you sent me a private message, every friend who correctly answered a question and complied with the entry requirements, we will include every one of you. I am deeply grateful to everyone for participating enthusiastically but there are only 13 presents. I hope that everyone will remember that friendship comes first and competition comes second. If there’s another opportunity, I'll definitely have more competitions with everyone.
Now I'll announce the answers!
14/12The 13th Awards Ceremony, 2003
15/12 Love Yourself
16/12Me and Du Juan-Er are both afraid of cockcroaches
17/12Enter the Phoenix
18/12Beijing, China
19/12Jordan Chan
21/12Fallen Angels, Wong Ka-Wai
22/12Macau; Beijing, China; South Africa
23/12 Smokey
24/12 20 Billy dolls
So, who will I draw to be the lucky winner that answered all the questions? Did you answer all 12 questions correctly? Are you going to be the lucky one? The winner will be revealed tomorrow.
Last but not least, I wish everyone a very happy Christmas.
| 經過多次點算,我的同事們頭也暈了.大家放心,無論你是公開留言,發短消息或私人留言給我的,每一個答對的朋友,合資格的,我們都會計算在內.感謝大家熱烈地參與,但禮物只有十三份,希望大家記得友詛第一,遊戲第二.如果有機會,一定會再跟大家玩遊戲的.
15/12 Love Yourself
22/12澳門, 中國/北京和南非
23/12 Smokey
24/12 20隻比利
究竟是誰答對又被我抽中呢? 你有沒有把十二條都答對呢? 幸福兒是不是你呢? 明天便有分曉?
| 经过多次点算, 我的同事们头也晕了。大家放心, 无论你是公开留言、发短消息或私人留言给我的,每一个答对的朋友,合资格的,我们都会计算在内。感谢大家热烈地参与, 但礼物只有十三份, 希望大家记得友谊第一, 游戏第二。如果有机会, 一定会再跟大家玩游戏的。
现在先公布答案吧! 13/12 黄色
14/12 第十四届2003年
15/12 Love Yourself
16/12 我和杜娟儿一样最害怕蟑螂
17/12 大佬爱美丽
18/12 中国北京
19/12 陈小春
20/12 蜜桃
21/12 王家卫 堕落天使
22/12 澳门, 中国/北京和南非
23/12 Smokey
24/12 20只比利
究竟是谁答对又被我抽中呢? 你有没有把十二条都答对呢? 幸福儿是不是你呢? 明天便有分晓?