Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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Let's the Competition Winners|一起<回蔚>遊戲得獎名單|一起<回蔚>游戏得奖名单


I am too touched by your collections. I discovered that you guys have some photos, that even I don't have! You're all too good, thank you to every single person who participated in this competition with your support and enthusiasm. To have to choose one winner really gave me a headache, so I decided to select three winners!

The first winner is you juju be. Your photos left me very touched, making me recall my concerts, and the scene of ...Read more

14 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

Mok Mok’s General Knowledge Just for You (Part 2)|莫莫小知識話你知2|莫莫小知识话你知2

I always have new creative choreography for everyone to watch at every concert I hold.

There was even some synchronized swimming dance movies in my . When the center stage slowly rose up, you see a bright sparkling outfit, a circular stage platform that rotated, beautiful and radiant lighting, elegantly poised dancers, and a performance of graceful heartfelt dance moves accompanying the sweet romantic song, “Close to You”  - which made me feel like I...Read more

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The Outside World MV|外面的世界 MV|外面的世界 MV

Video: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/t4bqw3DRvg4/

14 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

Just uploaded five additional songs -- download and listen! http://tr.im/karenmokmusic

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樂隊彩排 / Concert rehearsal behind-the-scenes http://tr.im/F3j6

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北京香港兩邊飛 http://bit.ly/MALZi

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Band Rehearsal|樂隊彩排|乐队彩排

On one side I'm busy with band rehearsals in Beijing, on the other I'm busy with dance rehearsals in Hong Kong, so recently I have been flying back and forth non-stop between these two places. No, I don't feel the least bit tired, instead I'm full of energy.

The music side of rehearsals is already in full swing

...Read more

14 年多 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares

莫莫小知識話你知1 http://tr.im/EXCW

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Mok Mok’s General Knowledge Just for You (part 1)|莫莫小知識話你知1||莫莫小知识话你知1

從事演藝工作一直是我從小到大的夢想. 感謝多年來大家對我的支持, 也十分珍惜所有的演出的機會, 每一次我都希望能讓觀眾對我的歌曲, 造型, 服裝, 甚至演出的場地佈置都留下深刻的印象. 其實您們都可能有聽過有一句話《臺上一分鐘,台下十年功》你們看到臺上的表演可能只是短短的時間, 不過台下所花的心思和時間您們可能就看不見。大家就留意我這個特別為《回蔚莫文蔚演唱會》而設的特備單元,感受一下我們製作背後的意義, 因為我們在演唱會中每一個小節上都花盡心思啊! 

今天, 我先來介紹一下於<極度莫文蔚巡迴演唱會>中出現過的一個造型, 它的造型可算是創造先河,可是在這件衣服的背後意義才是最重要!

設計的概念是源自我跟動物間的微妙關係,熟識我的朋友都知道我是十分熱愛大自然與動物的, 當我看到人類為了牟利, 不停地獵殺動物, 用它們的皮毛造成皮草/皮革作人類的衣服, 我都感到十分心疼, 因此, 我想到我們的頭髮就像動物的皮膚一樣, 有取暖和保護我們的功能. 我們美麗而寶貴的頭髮是屬於我們獨有的, 就像動物的皮膚本應就是屬於它們的. 你可以試想想自...Read more

14 年多 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares

Let's Have Fun on the Karen Mok Official Website Together Finding Precious Clips of Hui Wei|莫文蔚官方網站與眾同樂 一起尋找回蔚的珍貴片段|莫文蔚官方网站与众同乐 一起寻找回蔚的珍贵片段

I believe all "Mok fishes" lately must be paying most attention to . Karen, who you have all supported over the years, will launch the prelude to this concert at the Beijing Workers' Gymnasium, the date has already been set on December 11. The second concert on December 26 will be held at Shanghai Stadium through the Christmas festival. While everyone is bu...Read more

14 年多 前 0 赞s  24 评论s  0 shares



Hong Kong
September 4, 2008