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Blog: Monday, Oct 1 | 博客:10月1日,星期一

Finally finished shooting "The Tournament" in Bulgaria a couple of weeks ago.  It was a very long 2 months of work plagued with accidents, it's amazing we were able to finish the film at all, much less on time.

One of the last days of shooting with Ving Raimes, I was watching CNN International when I saw a story about Ving's assistant back in Los Angeles.  Apparently, his  body was found in the front yard with bite marks from his dog.  Needless to say, Ving was devastated and needed to get back to Los Angeles right away to speak with the police.  As it turned out, it was not the dogs who killed his assistant, but some sort of heart attack or stroke.

A couple of weeks after that incident, we had an accident on set that left one of our P. A.'s, Shero, with two broken legs.  One of the stunts they were having problems with was a automobile stunt in which a huge truck had to be flipped while coming to a screeching halt.  They tried the stunt for two nights in a row failing to complete it.  On the third night one of giant pistons,  used to flip the truck, accidentally shot outward into the crew who was standing alongside the road watching and recording the shot on their cameras and phones.  The piston spun around into the crowd managing to narrowly miss one of the producers, and rammed our P. A.  in the knees breaking both his legs.  Shero has had his legs operated on and it will be at least 6 months before he can walk again.

Despite all of the accidents I still managed to have a terrific time shooting in Bulgaria.  The crew on this set were amazing.  There wasn't anything they were not willing to do to make this film happen.  The Bulgarian stunt men were some of the craziest stuntmen I've ever seen.  The acrobatic skills which some  of these guys possessed was unbelievable.   I had a great time in Bulgaria and made some great friends.

|  兩周前終於結束了在保加利亞拍攝的電影《The Tournament》。我們終於完成了長達兩個月、伴隨著各種突發事件的拍攝,真是太棒了。

最後一些日子的拍攝跟Ving Raimes一起,當時我看到CNN國際頻道報導說,Ving的助理被發現死在洛杉磯家中,屍體躺在前院,身上有他的狗咬過的傷痕。不用說,Ving非常難過,立即趕回洛杉磯協助警方調查。最後的結論是,助理死於某種心臟病突發,而不是被自己的狗咬死的。

這個事件過去幾周後,我們又遭遇了另一場意外,照片中左邊的P. A. Shero被 砸斷了兩條腿。有一場汽車特技戲一直不順利,工作人員要拍攝一輛巨型卡車緊急剎車時翻轉過來的場景。他們試了兩個晚上,失敗了許多次之後才練好。第三天晚 上,卡車上一個用來控制空翻的巨大活塞突然蹦了出來,往正站在路邊用相機和電話察看或錄影的工作人員身上砸去。這個活塞旋轉著從空中落下,剛巧擦過一個制 片人,砸在了P. A.的膝蓋上,把他雙腿給打斷了。目前Shero已經接受了治療,他需要至少6個月才能再次走路。


| 两周前终于结束了在保加利亚拍摄的电影《The Tournament》。我们终于完成了长达两个月、伴随着各种突发事件的拍摄,真是太棒了。最后一些日子的拍摄跟Ving Raimes一起,当时我看到CNN国际频道报导说,Ving的助理被发现死在洛杉矶家中,尸体躺在前院,身上有他的狗咬过的伤痕。不用说,Ving非常难过,立即赶回洛杉矶协助警方调查。最后的结论是,助理死于某种心脏病突发,而不是被自己的狗咬死的。这个事件过去几周后,我们又遭遇了另一场意外,照片中左边的P. A. Shero被 砸断了两条腿。有一场汽车特技戏一直不顺利,工作人员要拍摄一辆巨型卡车紧急刹车时翻转过来的场景。他们试了两个晚上,失败了许多次之后才练好。第三天晚 上,卡车上一个用来控制空翻的巨大活塞突然蹦了出来,往正站在路边用相机和电话察看或录影的工作人员身上砸去。这个活塞旋转着从空中落下,刚巧擦过一个制 片人,砸在了P. A.的膝盖上,把他双腿给打断了。目前Shero已经接受了治疗,他需要至少6个月才能再次走路。除了这些意外之外,我在保加利亚的这段时间还是过得很开心。剧组成员都很棒,他们可以为了拍好这部电影做一切事情。保加利亚的特技演员也是我见过最不要命的,有些特级技巧简直让人叹为观止。我过得很愉快,也交了一些很棒的朋友。

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  18 评论s  0 shares
Photo 36438
yeah we heard about all of this, we were due to come over in august to film a couple of videos for the soundtrack for the film. But delays with the accidents and weather problems made sure our trip over was cancelled at the last minute. we are just gonna film our videos when rocbert and sebastian come over to the uk to do a couple of scenes. i believe you may have spoken to our friend steven mason in Bulgaria. He was filming behind the scenes footage for the dvd.
大约 17 年 ago



Los Angeles, United States
February 8, 2007