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My first day in Prague | 在布拉格的第一天

Got to Prague in the afternoon.  The driver who picked me up from the airport was really sweet but didn't speak English.  He eagerly took me all around the city and I couldn't explain to him that I needed to get to the apartment right away to meet Michael and Kauila who took a train in from Berlin to meet me.  We finally met up at the apartment and I found out that Michael hadn't been to sleep or even showered since the morning before.  He'd gone out clubbing all night in Berlin and got home in the morning just in time to take the early train to Prague.  He managed to stay awake long enough to show us the square in the Old Town and have a bite to eat.  I went way off my diet when I ordered the duck breast with dumplings and sauer kraut.  Then I  

went deep when I had to try the apple strudel with whipped cream.   

The waitress insisted that I have it with the ice cream and took it upon herself to serve it up that way even if I didn't ask for it.  My stomach hurts so much I feel like I'm going to explode.  Damn lactose intolerance.  No more falling off the wagon here.  I gotta remember that I'm here in Europe to work.

The old square has this a funny Astrological Clock that everyone waits to see strike on the hour for some sort of performance.  So on the way back from buying groceries to stock up our kitchen we stopped

15 minutes before the hour to watch the clock.  Tons of folks were already gathered there staring up at the clock in anticipation of the delightful performance we were about to be treated to.  Just about 2 minutes before the hour it started to rain.  I insisted we stay and watch even if we didn't have any umbrellas because we had already invested the other 13 minutes standing there staring up at that stupid clock.  It even began to thunder a bit and I was holding the plastic grocery bag full of food above my head when the clock finally struck 9:00PM.  By then we were soaked.  But I was ready for the magnificent performance which I was told would consist of dancing skeletons and a must see in Prague.  The whole thing only lasted for about 30 seconds and all it was was a bunch of mannequins going  

around in a circle and waving out the tiny window up top!    That's  

it!  We waited around in the rain for that!?!  I couldn't have been more disappointed.  Lesson learned.  Don't ask the guy who has been up for the last 40 hours if it's going to be worth it.

Michael got home and immediately began snoring when he stepped into  

his room.  I wasn't sure he was even going to make it up the stairs.   

He's in the attic room that has a windy stairs that wraps around a pole.  Sure hope he doesn't have to wake up in the middle of the night to pee.

Can't wait to see what the rest of Prague has to offer in the morning.  So far it's all pretty magnificent.  Like a fairy tale or Disneyland, but real.  It's hard to remember to be careful of pick pockets when there's so much to admire.

Wish you were here!


下午抵達了布拉格。到機場來接我的司機真的很貼心,雖然他不會英語。他很熱心地帶我在城裏轉了一圈,但我無法跟他說我想要馬上回公寓跟 Michael和Kauila 見面,他們特地從柏林乘火車來看我。我們終於在公寓碰面,原來Michael昨天開始就沒睡覺也沒洗澡。他昨晚在柏林酒吧玩了一夜,早上回家,剛好來得及趕上早班火車到布拉格。但他強打精神帶我們去看舊城廣場,還吃了些東西。我沒有忌口,點了鴨胸、餃子和酸泡菜,之後又無法自制的要了加鮮奶油的蘋果派。餐廳服務生堅持要我和冰淇淋一起吃,我沒點,但她還是這麽送上來了。我的胃痛得要爆炸了,可惡的乳糖排斥反應癥。再也不能這麽隨性了,我該記住自己到歐洲是來工作的。

每個人都會在布拉格廣場等著看著名的天文鐘的準點報時表演。我們買了些吃的充實廚房,回去的路上經過廣場,離準點還有 15分鐘。已經有很多人聚集在這裏,仰望著天文鐘,期待著令人愉悅的演出。在整點到來的大約前2分鐘開始下雨,我讓大家一起等在那兒看演出,雖然沒帶傘,但我們已經花了 13分鐘傻傻地註視那個笨鐘了。又開始打雷,當我把裝滿食物的塑料袋舉過頭頂遮雨時, 9點的鐘聲終於敲響了。大家都濕透了,但我一定要看大家說的到布拉格必看、跳舞木偶的報時演出。整個報時持續了大約30 秒,只是小木偶們圍成一圈,從上頭的小窗戶向人們揮手!僅此而已!我們為什麽在雨裏這麽等著?!我失望極了。現在吸取了教訓,除非萬不得已,千萬別問才到達一個城市40個小時的家夥任何經驗。





下午抵达了布拉格。到机场来接我的司机真的很贴心,虽然他不会英语。他很热心地带我在城里转了一圈,但我无法跟他说我想要马上回公寓跟Michael和 Kauila见面,他们特地从柏林乘火车来看我。我们终于在公寓碰面,原来Michael昨天开始就没睡觉也没洗澡。他昨晚在柏林酒吧玩了一夜,早上回家,刚好来得及赶上早班火车到布拉格。但他强打精神带我们去看旧城广场,还吃了些东西。我没有忌口,点了鸭胸、饺子和酸泡菜,之后又无法自制的要了加鲜奶油的苹果派。餐厅服务生坚持要我和冰淇淋一起吃,我没点,但她还是这么送上来了。我的胃痛得要爆炸了,可恶的乳糖排斥反应症。再也不能这么随性了,我该记住自己到欧洲是来工作的。

每个人都会在布拉格广场等着看著名的天文钟的准点报时表演。我们买了些吃的充实厨房,回去的路上经过广场,离准点还有15 分钟。已经有很多人聚集在这里,仰望着天文钟,期待着令人愉悦的演出。在整点到来的大约前2分钟开始下雨,我让大家一起等在那儿看演出,虽然没带伞,但我们已经花了 13分钟傻傻地注视那个笨钟了。又开始打雷,当我把装满食物的塑料袋举过头顶遮雨时,9点的钟声终于敲响了。大家都湿透了,但我一定要看大家说的到布拉格必看、跳舞木偶的报时演出。整个报时持续了大约 30秒,只是小木偶们围成一圈,从上头的小窗户向人们挥手!仅此而已!我们为什么在雨里这么等着?!我失望极了。现在吸取了教训,除非万不得已,千万别问才到达一个城市 40个小时的家伙任何经验。





17 年多 前 0 赞s  17 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha cool. next time pictures! ;-)
17 年多 ago
Photo 33405
Prague is so beautiful! I wish I could go back and visit. Be sure to walk across the Charles Bridge, and if you have the chance, visit the Golden Lane (Zlatá Ulicka), which is a small street with a row of tiny colorful houses (now shops), where the writer Franz Kafka stayed at one point. It's very small, but charming.
17 年多 ago



Los Angeles, United States
February 8, 2007