So.... I am sat here at my buddies house using his PC (god I hate PC's!!!) as my Macbook Pro is at Apple Store ER. Can't make any music as my back up hard drive is 120 miles away at my folks.
It's amazing how crippled I am by the loss of my computer. Literally everything work wise has to be put on hold until I get it back.
I am now appreciating the Terminator movies a bit more... Rise Of The Machines!!! 20 years from now when they start giving computers A.I (Artificial Intelligence) we are all gonna be screwed!! Especially if they give them female A.I, your computer will be asking you to tell it how you feel and that you are not paying it enough attention, then when it is "That time of the month" it is gonna crash on you at every given opportunity until you do something "romantic". If it is a male computer it will just keep on sending you to porn websites whether you like it or not!
Anyway, I am at a loss what to do this week so any suggestions on what I should do until I get my Mac back would be greatly appreciated!!