Crikey i was like thinkin that i would be lucky enough not to fall ill this summer but unfortunately I did get the flu and now i am sneezin and coughin painfully at home.....
We had a pretty good week last week spendin time in our little ghetto band room writing up some new tunes for hardpack and talkin abt how we are gonna decorate our new band room........Work wise for me is going pretty good after doin eric suens concert last week i got a bar gig to do for a old skool taiwanese rocker called "Lo dare" aka Dick and cowboy.He is famous for singing love ballad covers and arranging them into rock tunes thats gonna be on thursday..Gotta finish off recording drums for the josie song next week as well as doing jsg and then flyin off t o china with ec......The new hardpack song sound pretty good and i am proud of my boys for workin their ass off that nite to get it finished cus u know it takes 2 to tango or 3 or 4......Will have some pics up later!....tune in for next time now!!!!
I really miss those old days...sighhhhh,,,BACK TO BASICS!!.....