Kid Fresh
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Euro extravaganza part III

It’s no insect, it’s no bird, it’s an aeroplane! That’s right, one that’s flying from Frankfurt to Dubai in just this minute. And I’m on it. No there ain’t no Wi-fi on board here. Just a selection of the worst and cheesiest movies ever made. But there will be Wi-fi at Dubai airport, where I shall arrive in less than 4 hours.

So let me tell y’all bout my past 10 days! In my last post, I told you how I just arrived in Poland.

Polish rap legend Mercedresu picked me up at Warsaw airport. A roadtrip will never be boring with this guy as your driver!

After arriving in Krakow, it was all about going to city center to have plenty of pierogi, and to do nuttin’ but laying low for the rest of this Thursday night.

I can only recommend a trip to Krakow. Probably one of Europe’s most underrated citys. It’s just fucking beautiful.

First gig on that weekend was a set at QUSHI, which is owned and built by the host Mercedresu himself. Qushi is easily Krakow’s most stylish indie club with the best music, best drinks and the prettiest girls. And if I wasn’t forced to guzzle down shots of Krupnik every10 minutes during my DJ set, I prolly woulda  been able to take pictures. Luckily though, Hong Kong’s premier nightlife photopgrapher, a.k.a. The Polish Ambassador a.k.a. Original Rudebwoi STAYRUDEE was in town and did a great job capturing the nite!! Click here for the entire gallery.

Next day it was Roadtrip time. So Dresu and I jumped into his newly purchesed A3 to hit the road to Warsaw. On the way we stopped at an Alko-hole,

And discovered obscure snacks at gas stations

before we finally arrived in Warsaw,

to play a gig at a spot called Jadlodainia Filozoficzna.  Fun gig and a crazy ass crowd!

Late at night, the hotel receptionist turned out to be quite a multitasker btw.

Dresu and I went to pick up DJ Mentalcut at the Warsaw train station on the next day, to

squeeze ourselves in Dresu’s A3 and head to Lublin, where Polska gig nr. 3 was on the schedule, a night called GET MAD, set up by the man METALCUNT himself.

This guy comes from a strong turntablist background so he got Skills. And not only that, he's also got a great musical taste / very up to date selection plus is a very cool dude. That easily makes him my favorite Polish DJ right now.

We decided to drive home to Krakow after the gig at 3AM. No motorways on the way to Krakow, narrow streets full of trucks and one of the foggiest nights I ‘ve experienced in a while.

Dresu told me it felt like playing Frogger, constantly pulling crazy passing maneuvers in the fog.

2.000 kilometers on polish roads ain’t no joke, not even for the co-pilot.

So I spent my last day in Poland meditating (sort of) in the woods (more or less).

Before I was off to London, I managed to capture an amazing sunrise from the road.

Next stop: London UK!

Ah well they fancy to cancel gigs, them bloody brits. Nevertheless I made my way to the UK, ate ridiculous amounts of crumpets and pancakes with syrup, bought me some new Air Max and went shopping for furry hats.

After only 42 hours I had to get out of London again to fly to Munich, Germany.

I was very positively surprised when I found out that my hotel was right next to my favorite place in Munich, the infamous Café Beethoven

I even met Old buddy / German scratch legend DJ M-Tech at the gig later that night!

After Munich, there was 1 last gig on the calendar.

Manny and Claudia from Tirol were so kind to drive me past the German/Austrian border to catch a train to Graz. Luckily we missed the train, otherwise I probably never woulda been taken to this mesmerizing mountain lake in the middle of the Alps.

Graz, the last gig of the tour, turned out to be a really good one. Perfect dinner on arrival, nice promoters, nice venue, nice crowd, good vibes.

After that, I went to Duesseldorf via Vienna, to spend my last 2 days at broshot Rafik's crib.

And now I'm sitting in Terminal 2 of Dubai airport right now, waiting for my flight to Hong Kong!

HK, I really fucking missed you!!!!

Can't wait to be back in your arms!

But for now, let me rush to my gate to make sure not to miss my damn flight!!!

15 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
oOOOOOOooooHHH...... that's KOOL^^
15 年多 ago
i missed u 2........... but im still in hospital......
15 年多 ago
Photo 114375
these adventures look awesome!!!
15 年多 ago



english, german
Hong Kong
December 24, 2007