Official Artist
King Lychee
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我地個hardcore/punk scene絕對唔大。。。但係有個好處 - 因為個scene咁細每一位嘅參與者係好緊要。除咗我地幾十人超熱情的觀眾之外仲有好緊要的幾位。。。就係幫我地影相和拍片的朋友。。。琴晚又係呢位攝影師 Kennevia Photography 來咗幫我地捕捉hardcore show的氣氛。相片真係好powerful的媒介所以更加要珍惜呢D咁有心的攝影師。。。琴晚亦都好lucky - Live life no rules production 都係到拍片 :-) 雖然大家玩得好癲令到Dmic和mic線壞咗所以會影響片裡面D聲但係 who cares :-) 真實的punk/hardcore show應該會有嘢爛!哈哈 (唔好意思focal fair!) 其實如果你想睇hardcore punk show一定要係現場睇唔係你電腦到!Our little punk/hardcore scene isn't very big but the cool thing about that is that because it's so small, everyone that comes to a show plays a big part. Besides the 40+ people who showed up last night who have a HUGE role in fostering a scene, we also a few others that are incredibly important - our photographers and videographers. Last night our buddy Kenneth was able to come again and capture some powerful photos...photography is SUCH a powerful medium so it's important that we respect and support these people for doing what they to capture a night of, what basically is, chaos haha. We were also lucky that a HK video team called Live Life No Rules came to film the whole thing. Of course, since it was a hardcore show things broke - like the mics and mic cables so I'm pretty sure the resulting audio from the soundboard is going to be pretty fucked hahaha...but who cares - a punk/hardcore show is bound to have shit break! (Sorry Focal Fair! :-) 下場show再見!(因為呢個場地,突然間會覺得係香港出show超級好玩!) See you at our next show! It's because of this new venue Focal Fair that suddenly playing in HK has become fun again! May 27, 2016 (又係星期五 Friday again sorry!) 自己scene, 自己搞 Focal Fair 150hkd Hardcore + Emotional Hardcore King Ly Chee 荔枝王 FightxClub Planck 靜觸 Sense Of Silence Guest band: HUMAN BRUTALITY人類暴行 (Taiwan) @planckhk @kenneviaphotography @kuloming @tomleemusic.hk

over 8 years ago 188 likes  0 comment  1 share


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d

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Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007