Official Artist
King Lychee
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我地今年去咗最經典最傳奇的hardcore城市之一 (New York City) 演出感覺到果邊D人係鍾意我地。個個都有過來同我地打招呼同我地講佢地好鍾意我地嘅態度,音樂,表演方式。。。好感動 - 得到呢個城市hardcore世界的認同真係好痴線。One of the coolest things about this summer was being able to get to one the cities on this planet that created some of the most influential hardcore bands/records (New York City) and to feel people's love and respect for us and what we're about. It was insane when people would come up to us at the merch table or in passing or even through private messages on our social media to tell us how they appreciated us coming, our show, our music and our message.

係個邊識咗一位導演一直都拍緊NYHC歷史的紀錄片 - 佢今日開咗個 go fund me網站因為佢需要多少少錢搞點呢個片。One of the MANY amazing people we met was Drew Stone the man, legend behind the NYHC Chronicles documentary! He's thrown up a go fund me page in order to raise some funds to finish this amazing project.

唔知你地會唔會有興趣但係可以係呢個網站donate: Don't know if you'd be interested, but if you are - this is the link:



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10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d

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Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007