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King Lychee
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見到呢個勁開心。。。岩岩來到北京場地有個支持者過來再買東西同我講最近同佢個仔著住KLC T恤影過相。。。岩岩send咗俾我。。。超開心 :-) 人地會咁鍾意我地呢隊band連自己孩子都會推介俾佢聽 :-) This is amazing...we just got to beijing and after setting up merch this guy comes over to buy stuff and tells me that him and his just took some pics wearing our shirts...he just sent it to me...this is soooooooo rad to me... 任何支持我地嘅人 - 十分多謝你地嘅支持!!!to anyone that supports us - thank you sooo much!!!

over 8 years ago 21 likes  0 comment  1 share



over 8 years ago 14 likes  0 comment  2 shares

Saying goodbye to HA Version 3

日期Date:10月1日(Saturday, October 1 星期六) 時間Time:晚上7時30分 (7:30) 地點Venue:Hidden Agenda 演出樂隊 Bands:

FightxClub King Ly Chee 荔枝王 The Priceless Boat 及時雨 – RAIN IN TIME Shepherds The Weak 遊蕩 Yau Dong

門票Tickets:$100 (Walk In 即場) / $80(Student Discount 學生優惠) @hiddenagendahk @thepricelessboat

over 8 years ago 35 likes  0 comment  2 shares


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over 8 years ago 24 likes  0 comment  3 shares

我地下場香港show就係十月一號在第三代的HA! 已經超期待第四代更勁嘅HA! 暫時睇到新場地圖片勁正啊! Our next HK show is October 1st at the current Hidden Agenda. We're already SUPER stoked for the new HA to open up quick! New venue's photos that they've shared online look SICK!

Let's make October 1st a great party for Hong Kong and our friends at HA. This ain't no time for tears, it's time to ROCK :-)

DATE: Oct 1 VENUE: (Current) Hidden Agenda TIME: 7:30pm TICKETS: 100HKD BANDS: King Ly Chee 荔枝王 Shepherds The Weak The Priceless Boat 遊蕩 Yau Dong FightxClub 及時雨 - RAIN IN TIME...Read more

over 8 years ago 48 likes  0 comment  0 shares

我地吉他手 Brian 上咗著名hardcore社會網站 In Effect Hardcore! 訪問就係關於玩hardcore band的成員除咗玩音樂之外仲做緊咩? Check it! Our guitarist Brian got onto a 20 questions session up on In Effect Hardcore! Check it!


over 8 years ago 23 likes  0 comment  3 shares

聽人話我地十月一號終於再會係香港出show :-) So word on the street is that we've finally got a HK show on October 1!

好快再有多D資料俾大家!We'll get you more info soon!

over 8 years ago 36 likes  0 comment  0 shares

今個夏天去咗紐約市識咗好多好經典嘅人。。。其中一個係一位紋身師叫 Steven Huie. 九十年代的時候佢有幫好多經典NY hardcore bands設計唱片封面/衫/貼紙等等 (Madball, Sick of it All, Cromags, Crown of Thornz)。最近佢有做Brooklyn Flyrite Tattoo的經理人加埋紋身師。呢間今年慶祝緊二十週年所以拍咗一個短短哋的紀錄片。




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over 8 years ago 8 likes  0 comment  2 shares

好似要clarify少少嘢 - 呢個叫thrash metal. :-)


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over 8 years ago 6 likes  0 comment  2 shares


九月十號 - 北京的School Livehouse見!


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over 8 years ago 24 likes  0 comment  5 shares


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007