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恭喜香港band Soul Of Ears 今日俾人地通知咗可以參加十一月 山海屯音樂節Heartown Festival! Huge congrats to HK band Soul of Ears who just found out they'll be able to join Taiwan's massive music festival Heartown!

今次有不少香港樂隊參加 We've got quite a few HK bands taking part this year:

Massacre Of Mothman (deathcore) Seasons for Change (rock) Soul of Ears (metalcore) Parallel Horizons (metalcore) 逆流 NiLiu (metalcore) King Ly Chee 荔枝王 (hardcore)

Let's have some fun!

8 年多 前 39 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

台灣!好久不見!我們好幸運又得到山海屯音樂節的邀請!十一月二十六號在台中見吧!What's up Taiwan! See you all November 26 in Taizhong when we get back on stage at Heartown Festival!

想支持我們的台灣朋友們 - 記住你們可以這裡買我們台灣版本的專輯: http://www.magnum.com.tw/pro_03.php?s_sn=2315


8 年多 前 11 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

CNHC硬核音樂節 (五週年!) 九月十號 北京 School Livehouse

荔枝王歌單 - 場地完全適合我們這個風格!記住一起來唱! "我想我們可以走到更遠 - 因為我們就是一輩子兄弟" @cnhcfest

8 年多 前 17 赞s  暂无评论  4 shares

一早起身諗一諗我地下場本地show都唔知將會係幾時。突然間見到另外一位美國嘅支持者著住我地件衫影相。。。無計一定要盡量試下行新一條路。但係要等到下年先可以返去。。。waking up pretty bummed since we have no idea when we're playing in our hometown next and the. Suddenly this photo pops up on our Instagram! Thanks so much for giving us the encouragement we need to keep heading down this new path of trying to do some shit with a focus on the US! See you all next summer! Can't believe we gotta wait a whole fucking year... @allinmerch

8 年多 前 11 赞s  暂无评论  2 shares

我地其中最鍾意嘅新血香港band Seasons for Change 聽日將會係通利玩acoustic嘢!記住過去聽下 - 主唱唱歌好啦痴線 :-) One of our favorite new blood Hong Kong bands Seasons For Change are playing an acoustic set at Tom Lee tomorrow. Go check out the band - vocalist is crazy good...

8 年多 前 14 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

long battle fought.

October 7, 2016 - Hidden Agenda's last show. 十月七號 - Hidden Agenda最後一場.

down but not out. 大家都有信心一日會再見到HA alive and fighting again.

8 年多 前 23 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

HOLY SHIT!!! 呢首歌同埋MV好勁啊!我地一直都話係香港我地同邊班最有共鳴就係香港極端金屬世界D band! 每次聽到或者見到佢地新作品就即刻有同感 - 雖然音樂/歌詞風格非常唔同,但係一直要堅持玩自己最鍾意的風格我地絕對瞭解到!記住呢隊band: 卸甲 XieJia!!! Goddamn! This song and video are INSANE! We've always said that in Hong Kong the one genre of music that we always seem to find most in common with is our underground extreme metal world. Sure - the music and lyrical content couldn't be more different...but the attitude of persevering playing a style of music regardless of whether or not there is any interest locally - we TOTALLY understand! Check out this Hong Kong ban...Read more

8 年多 前 33 赞s  暂无评论  12 shares

屌。。。太感動啊!香港一隊好撚勁嘅rockabilly樂隊 The Boogie Playboys 嘅成員特意上咗我地美國網店買咗我地D衫 (買衫就會送呢個帶)!THANK YOU! This means a lot - a killer KILLER Hong Kong rockabilly band The Boogie Playboys went onto our US merch store and ordered our shirt! Soooo awesome!!!! Thank you guys!!!!!

8 年多 前 23 赞s  暂无评论  3 shares

岩岩買完去北京的機票!我地下場show係北京!CNHC Hardcore Fest五週年!超期待呢場show!到時如果有D朋友咁岩係北京叫佢地來地我地啦!Just bought our flights tickets for our next show! Which is in beautiful Beijing at this year's CNHC Hardcore Fest! If you have friends who will be up there around that time let them know we'll be there!

日子 Date: Sept 10 地點 Venue: School Livehouse (Beijing)

*上次係台上都話,我地香港地下樂隊好少係香港有得出show。我地下場香港show都唔知將會係幾時, 所以通常都係自己搞。下次宣佈自己香港show記住留意啦!:-)


8 年多 前 47 赞s  暂无评论  4 shares

Friends who keep making our t-shirts look good - Chris of In Effect Hardcore If you're a fan of American hardcore (or hardcore in general - our brother here does a LOT providing space and a voice for worldwide hardcore bands on his site too) then you should most definitely have this website bookmarked: http://ineffecthardcore.com 我地D friend曬唔曬咁型呢?呢位來自紐約的兄弟係著名硬核網站 In Effect Hardcore的創造人。係八十年代的時In Effect係一本紐約Hardcore的地下雜誌然後十幾年前就搬咗去網上搞。得到呢位兄弟的支持和認同好感動!#kinglychee

8 年多 前 15 赞s  暂无评论  1 share


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d


Hong Kong
April 19, 2007