The online tickets on 29.3 is sold out already! Thank you very much for the support! The regular sale from the counter and telephone reservation will start @ 13th March.城市電腦售票網信用卡電話訂票 2111 5999 (3月12日起至開映前七天)
城市電腦售票網留座熱線 2734 9009 (3月13日起每日上午10時至晚上8時)
URBTIX Telephone Credit Card Booking Hotline: 2111 5999 (From 12 March onwards up to 7 days before respective screenings)
URBTIX Telephone Reservation Hotline: 2734 9009 (From 13 March onwards 10:00-20:00 daily) you in the Cinema!
Thank you for visiting my blog, for more info, please also visit: From today on, I will slowly release notes from the making of my fi