I really dig RODGER AND HAMMERSTEIN’s MOVIE MUSICALS.Don’t you?THE SOUND OF MUSIC, FLOWER DRUM SONG, THE KING AN D I and SOUTH PACIFIC are some of the magnificent films that I can watch over and over again.These are classics, timeless gems.THERE’S this BEACHY song in SOUTH PACIFIC extolling the wonderment of a woman.It is called THERE’S NOTHING LIKE A DAME.The lyrics run like this:We’ve got sunlight on the sand,We’ve got moonlight on the sea,We’ve got mangos and bananas you can pick right off the tree,We’ve got volley ball and ping pong and a lot of dandy games,What don’t we got?WE DON’T GOT DAMES.ChorusThere’s nothing like a DAMENothing in the worldThere’s nothing you can namethat is anything like a DAME.Can you imagine life without a woman?MIGUEL RODRIGUEZ sums it all up when he says:” I LIKE TO SEE YOU WALKBECAUSE YOU LEAVE STREAKS OF FIRE WITH YOUR EVERY STEP,YOU ARE MUCH MORE THAN AN OBJECT OF DESIRE,YOU ARE THE FLAME THAT SLOWLY KEEPS ALIVE MY FIRE.I LIKE TO LOOK AT YOUOBSERVING YOUR EVERY DETAIL,YOUR FEELINGS ARE SO PURE, SO FRAIL.”This article pays homage to our ASIAN BEAUTIES.ASIAN WOMEN are soft, trilling and enticing, don’t you think so?GASP …… YES!
KOOL? Sure! NO - We are NOT a varsity campus (funny if you think so). CERTAINLY - we are a 100% professional beating-heart FILM PRODUCTION COMPANY. We are h