Kristina Wong
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Crassy Lady

Greetings from Philadelphia!

I'm here for a ten day residency that started with me doing my "Wong Sans Wheels" show. All week we're working on a new show that goes up Saturday dealing with issues of "home." Very apropro for me with all the moving and new transition in to an adult's adulthood. The show actually translated well over here. I inserted all sorts of slides comparing Philly to Los Angeles to paint how not-pedestrian friendly LA is.

But what was the most awesome surprise was that my friend Nancy told me that I was mentioned in an LA Weekly article about LA Theater. I didn't even know about this... Mark Murphy, the artistic director of REDCAT said of my work:
"Murphy also sees an interesting growth in and sophistication of works dealing with identity politics, particularly in the works ofKristina Wongand Lars Jan."

That's right... "SOPHISTICATION." Such an awesome quote.

To celebrate my newfound sophistication, I'm drinking long island iced teas, hiring some incall strippers, and pulling out the crack pipe.

I've never been called "sophisticated" in my life. Between the condo and this quote... I'm one crassy lady.

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What a somber name for a site. Death? Yeeks!


Los Angeles, United States
May 20, 2008