that is an experimental short film, a project i did with my friends in few years ago.
I wrote a story, basic on it, built the
mosquito and environment then to animating those characters act in that
oil-field factory. all did with the 3D max software.
Mr. Siu Mung, the mosquito, which my first character try to applied my every 3D rendering skills on it. its form, mapping, transparent wings, legs' joins, etc. I learn animating in Brisbane, QUT. The tutors and lecturers show me many fantastic films, from the micky mouse, to PIXAR. they also show me the essence of making animating.
3d and animating are shocking me while experiencing with Maya. many hugh animation movies are did with specific softwares adapted in Maya, which provides a high editable on very detail animating steps. that's why every movement of characters on the movie are looks very "real" and entertaining! BUT, 3D MAX seems more user friendly, and "convenience". I hope those softwares are improving to let animators create anything impossible to be possible.
do the perfect and live in an easy way.