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Laura Kee
Actor , Screenwriter , Model
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2008: The Year of Relationships

Each year marks a new season in my life. And I often like to classify my years according to different themes. 2008 was meant to be my Year of Breakthroughs, and in many ways, it is. But as I look back at the year I’ve been through, it is more apt to call 2008: The Year of Relationships.

Relationship Lesson #1:

At the beginning of the year, my parents’ marriage went through a period of testing. And the way they handled the crisis speaks of the love that is between them, even after all these years, despite the conflicts they have now and then. I wonder if I’ll ever face my relationship with the commitment that they have in theirs.

img_6113My parents


Relationship Lesson #2:

The year also started off with a fresh relationship - a friendship that blossomed to become something more. Frowned upon by many around us, yet so real to both of us, we tried to make it happen. But sadly, I backed out in the end. And I left him with so many troubles & burdens to face.. I betrayed his trust. And I am not proud of that. Whether it was true love or not, it doesn’t matter anymore. Perhaps, like what I told my friends, he had the stability I craved, but our personalities & temperaments could never match. 

Right person, wrong time? Or totally wrong person? It took a one year process but I believe I’ve grown through the experience.


**Relationship Lesson #3:

Choosing to step in SOT taught me more about my relationship with God, and helped me to draw closer to Him. A Friend, a Savior, a Master & Lord over my life. SOT was an experience I hesitated to jump into, but I am so much more blessed after taking that huge step. It was tough, yet life-changing. In times of pressure & crisis when my grandfather passed away… In times of confusion when I was having relationship problems… In times of reflection & sharing through my preaching tests… I learnt to rely even more on God. Nothing in this world comes close to my relationship with God.**

sot-graduationMy Graduation - 24 Aug ‘08****


Relationship Lesson #4: Having always been more of a loner & a person who loves solitude, I learnt to have my own personal group of friends this year. I’ve always been more of a homebody who keeps very much to myself, rarely going out for social events & gatherings with friends. But friendship has played a big part in my life this year. The laughter & joy, the good & bad times… I’ve made new friends & caught up with old friends. I’ve become closer to people who were already in my life.


SOT Team 4


SOT Team 4 Outing**


Chorus Board People at JW**


Chorus Board people @ Asia Conference**


Tangy’s BD (Chorus Board) - 27 Dec ‘08**


Shing’s BD (Chorus Board)**

My best friends are all found in church. Even my closest friend from JC is also a member of my church. This is not exclusivity, but rather, choosing who to share my life with. Because friends determine the height to which I can soar.


Relationship Lesson #5: Even in my course of work, I’ve come across friends & acquaintances. In this circle, there is always a line to be drawn but I’ve learnt to make friends & network in the process. There are some colleagues who will go on to build a stronger friendship with me, whilst others will remain as acquaintances. And I’m glad to have made friends even within this circle.

When I met up with my MGS friends recently, they said that I chose the least expected path amongst all our classmates. I guess it’s because when I was younger, I kept to myself all the time & never shared my dreams with anyone else. All of them were unaware of my passion for performing, except my best friend in school. I’ve always been extremely shy & softspoken, yet now my friends say that I talk a alot. Probably to make up for lost time. Haha. But I’ve realised that only through communication, can friendships be built  & strengthened. And I’ve tried this year to meet up with old friends from Secondary School & JC… because friendships can last a lifetime.


Relationship Lesson #6:

It was a trying time with my family members as well. First, I chose to enter Bible School. Then, I chose to embark on a path of life which was totally foreign to my parents… And which my father vehemently objected to. My father & I are both terribly stubborn, which leads to occasional conflicts. My biggest fault is my stubbornness: I refuse to back down even when I’m aware that I may be wrong… because I always insist I am right. But in my career choice, I really wanted to give it a try, and that’s why even to the extent of crying in front of my parents, I stood my ground & told them I could make it.

The Australia trip at the beginning of December was frustrating at times. Living in such close proximity (2-bedroom apartment) with my family of 5, having no work & no place to escape to, we sometimes got on one another’s nerves. Especially when my dad started to get frantic about packing my brother’s stuff to bring home. I learnt to tolerate & love them despite the differences… although I don’t want to go through that experience again. Haha


Relationship Lesson #7:

Finally, in 2008, I chose to break up with my boyfriend of 5 years. And get back together with him again. The trials, the conflicts still continue… And we still are at loggerheads now and then. But I admire him for his tenacity & ability to tolerate my mood swings. ‘Cos I can never tolerate his. I don’t know why he sticks with me despite everything, but he has. I am not the marrying kind, and he is. Yet he loves me & adores me, although I am less caring towards him. He is so compatible with me and yet, we’re not getting married. Yet. I don’t know what 2009 will bring. But I know Wenfu will be by my side. 

img_3442Wenfu & Me


So as 2008 draws to a close, I am thankful for this roller-coaster of a year. I am also thankful for the multitude of blessings & breakthroughs. My decision to embark on a career as a Freelance Actor was made this year - after which I completed 6 short films, 2 TV productions & 1 stage play. I fulfilled a promise towards God & completed SOT. I grew to become a better leader in my ministry & drew closer in my relationship with God. I have matured as an individual and learnt many lessons.

2009 will bring even more exciting things.

“For greater things are yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city…” 



 May God’s blessings rain upon you in 2009

Hope that happiness & joy,

prosperity & success

will follow you all through the year ahead!**


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Member Since
October 9, 2008