Exciting stuff is afoot in my life! Haha.
Firstly, I’m pretty excited about a few of my upcoming short films. I’m doing two shoots this weekend, one of which is purely daytime, the other is overnight. Scheduling-wise has been craziness this week, but that’s another story.
One short film I’m particularly excited about is CUBIK , in which I’m playing the lead character, Alex. For this role, I’ve got to undergo training & gym sessions, so I become a lethal machine.
A.k.a. Lara Croft?
Looks like my judo background comes in handy after all. I’ve got to start keeping fit & working out, I don’t want to be a fat machine! Haha. I am SO looking forward to the action sequences. It’ll be cool!
Plus, I’ll get to drive a Lamborghini.
Now… Don’t you envy the life that I lead? Hahaha.
Another aspect of life that gets me excited is my upcoming list of auditions. I’ve got one audition in KL tomorrow, and another 2 auditions for MediaCorp Channel 5 & 8 productions. Thinking, visualizing, believing & speaking my faith into being: “Getting those major roles!”
Of course, all this has wreaked havoc on my scheduling. I’ve come to a stage where I’ve got too much to do & too little time to do everything that I wanna do. My plate can only fit so many things. And I can’t clone myself to be in three different locations at one time. So I guess I’ve got to prioritise & focus on the more important things first.
One of which is the Asia Conference. Time is ticking, I feel like I haven’t done much preparation, and here the Conference dawns upon us. And I keep having to say “I can’t… I have rehearsal.” “I can’t… I have an audition.” “I can’t… I have a shoot.” God please, help me to schedule my time properly.
“You see, flying takes three things:
Hard work, perseverance and …
hard work.”
- Rocky in “Chicken Run”
Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT