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Laura Kee
Actor , Screenwriter , Model
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articulation: need me to front the “Speak Good English” campaign?

I find it really funny. Other actors have problems with articulating words clearly, whereas I have a problem trying NOT to articulate so clearly. It’s like an in-born mechanism that kicks into place every time I open my mouth to speak… “THat”   not “Dat”, “jusT”   not “jus”etc etc. Haha. So now, I have to practise speaking in a more Singaporean manner.

Today, I went to audition for a teenage drama, and I was told not to speak in too-accented English. Speak more like a Poly student. Who says that Poly students can’t speak well?? But I tried my best, and well… Sigh. Now it’s up to whether the Director likes my performance or not, and whether I’m suited to the role. prays specifically & persistently While I was there, I was asked to audition for a small part in a Mandarin show as well.

I still remember auditioning for a Mandarin drama last October, at MediaCorp. I was to be an “Indonesian bride”. So apparently, my Chinese was not supposed to be too perfect & well-articulated. Guess what? My Mandarin is pronounced too clearly as well. Now, even when I learn singing, I have to practise NOT pronouncing the lyrics so clearly.


I think I’ll be better off fronting a “SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH” Campaign in Singapore. :)

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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October 9, 2008