Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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Asian Youth Games.

So I’ll be doing some backstage media stuff for the upcoming Asian Youth Games opening ceremony. It’s quite exciting to be involved in a large-scale sporting event, even though I’m playing only a small part. But this is my way of keeping busy.

I read through Genesis Chps 12 – 22 yesterday – Abraham waiting for the promise. So many things I learnt from those few chapters.. Like how Abraham kept moving on even as he waited for the promise of God to come to pass. He travelled round and came back to the place between Bethel & Ai, where he built an altar & worshiped God once again. Even as he waited for the promise, he did not stay at one place – he kept moving on & becoming more and more prosperous.


I’m waiting for the promise of God to come to pass in my life. I don’t know how long it’ll take ‘cos God has His own timetable, but I can’t sit around waiting. Neither should I try to fulfil God’s promise on my own human wisdom, otherwise I might make the mistake that Abraham did with Hagar. Never try to “help God” along.

But I’m wondering what to busy myself with… And praying for prosperity. Income has been slow in coming in.. And I can feel the well drying up. I seem to have hit a rough patch.

But tribulation produces perseverance. Perseverance produces character. And character produces hope. ( Romans 5:3-5) Hope does not disappoint. Faith triumphs in trouble. Keep faith, keep love, keep hope. My heart and strength may fail but I lean on Him.

**3 Days of Rehearsals. Preview on 27 Jun. Opening Ceremony on 29 Jun.

Call-time at 8:30a.m. tomorrow! God, help me wake up on time. Haha.**

P.S. “难兄烂弟” (Brotherhood) is premiering on Channel 8 on July 8 ‘09 (wed), 9p.m. I’m in a recurring guest role, playing the secretary, Ann. Do catch this show!

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008