Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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emotional rollercoaster.

Somehow I don’t feel like typing much.

I’m not depressed, or upset, or anything.

Just that I’ve always felt like I’m on an emotional rollercoaster, so I guess I chose the right career.

Yet, I feel like I’ve never grown up. Still an immature 16-year-old.

I wonder why I think & act so differently from others my age.

I feel like a child at times. Is that good? Or bad? 


Went for a TVC audition yesterday, but the schedule was too tight so they might call me back another day. Met up with a bunch of actors - Charles (I & II), Brian, Gillian &  JJ - for lunch. Merely had a cup of watermelon juice ‘cos I ate shepherd pie (Mum’s homemade pie!) before I left the house.

Drama Box audition was okay.

Not fantastic though. Sigh. I’ve to get back to my stage acting roots!


Had a late-night rehearsal yesterday - 7p.m. till 1a.m.!

“The Screwtape Letters” bump-in tomorrow. Or is it today already?Awesome. Tickets are sold out.

Have to zip down to NYU Tisch in the morning to help out in a Directing Exercise. Woo. 

Then go over to Jubilee Hall. Exciting times! :)

Photos from Rehearsal


With Dorisa**


With Mitchell & Joanne**


Directors & Crew hard at work**

**img_7381   img_7382

Two tries & still no decent picture of Erik**


Finally caught Erik in a contemplative mood**


Nico filming a scene**

Had to teach & teach & teach today. Not my favourite job in the world.

But it brings in the money. I need more money. I need more money! 


Before I finish this random post, you’ve got to watch this video:

Would you make your dream come true, even if you die trying?

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Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008