Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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friday the 13th.

When I wrote the date today, on a Casting form, I was reminded that today was the day my brother was supposed to enlist. Fortunately, he managed to pass his NAPFA & so his enlistment date was pushed back & he only needs to serve 1 year 10 months in National Service. March 13th. Friday the 13th.

I don’t really understand the superstition regarding the number 13. So I lump it together with walking under a ladder, having a black cat cross your path & using sharp objects during pregnancy.

Despite being Friday the 13th, nothing out of the ordinary happened today. Though I was shocked by the death threat on Edison Chen’s life. Come on, surely he doesn’t deserve to die for what he did. Some people really take things to extremes. Like the shootings in Germany & the US. What is the world coming to??


Anyway, I got a role in an R.E.M. episode. Four scenes. I’m excited because it’s yet another project I can sink my teeth into, though I really wish for a recurring role throughout any series. Which is why I have high hopes about this morning’s audition for a sitcom role.


Ending off with a quote today. During my “Performing for TV” class today, we were asked to enact different scenarios in which we borrowed money from a variety of people — your parents, friend, lover or boss. In one particularly memorable scenario, which involved the girlfriend asking her boyfriend to split the cost of a new handphone…

“我是你的男朋友, 我就 付一半.

如果我和 你结婚 ,  不是要付到完吗?”

- Kave, Mar 13 ‘09 (Translation: “I am your boyfriend, so I pay half.

If I marry you, then do I have to pay the whole amount?”)

Hahahaha. How true. :)  

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008