Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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from bintan to busyness.

I spent 4 days in Bintan over last weekend – Friday to Monday. Absolutely wonderful & I really didn’t want to come back home. I wanted the holiday to last longer! I went for massage after massage, till I got blue-blacks on my legs. I had an abundance of food, till I gave up on the last night & surrendered… My stomach could only take soup, salad & dessert. And I got drunk on a mighty glass of… frozen margarita. Hahaha.


I came back to pitch myself headfirst into a period of hectic busyness. Was involved in 2 NYU Tisch directing exercises today, and have been asked to be involved in another student’s project tomorrow. Audition after audition lined up. Booked for a bout of theatre that’s showing in The Substation in end-November. Asked to shoot another short film in end October. Booked for another wedding emcee job next Saturday.

All this in addition to my “ jobby-jobs” – namely tuition & teaching. With 6 tuition students, among whom 3 are facing the PSLE, O Levels & A Levels this year, it’s no joke! Am also teaching two different Primary 4 classes.

At the same time, I’m attending a scene workshop with other actors & have to work on different scenes every week. Need to literally find time to attend the screenings & the plays I want to go for!


Going to watch “The Heavenly Kings” this Saturday at Sinema Old School & looking forward to the gathering after, but I’ve yet to find a friend to go along with me. :(

Planning to fly to Taiwan next year. Have to line up auditions & meetings beforehand. But I’m happy… busy, yet happy. :) A friend asked me: “How many hours do you have in a day?!” when he heard my hectic schedules. I said: “ 24 hours. The same as you, and Einstein, and Thomas Edison.” Haha. :)

15 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
Laura headshot dec 2014 smaller
Looking fwd to it! Bringing my friend to watch it too.
15 年多 ago


Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008