Laura Kee
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Happy 牛 Year!

Spent my Chinese New Year back in my dad’s hometown of Ayer Tawar near Sitiawan, Malaysia. It was a gruelling 11-hour journey up there, because of the Causeway jam, the KL car jam & the A&W food outlet jam. It was another long 8-hour journey back to Singapore. So I spent a lot of time sleeping on the car. Haha.

A few people asked me what I do up in Malaysia every year. Answer: Watch TV & Eat & Watch TV & Eat.

This year, my cousin brought “Guitar Hero” on his PS3 so we had a new source of entertainment. On TV, I caught an episode of “House”, the extremely old movie “The Tuxedo” starring Jackie Chan, as well as part of “Ah Long Pte Ltd”. I also watched the FA Cup matches between Man United & Tottenham, as well as Liverpool vs. Everton. Australian Open was on the TV Menu this year too.

We had popiah for lunches & dinners, fried chicken, various soups & lots of great fun and fellowship.

Went visiting to the usual houses, although there’re fewer families back home this year. I collected lots of angpows and started to field questions like “When are you getting married?”& “So no more angpow next year, ah?” A sign that I’m aging. Sigh.



Have decided to commence planning my journey to Taiwan. Need to get a job there, and settle my housing etc. So first, I’m saving the money here. When I get there, I have to pray really really really hard for open doors. At times, I’m prepared to just drop everything & go now, but I still have responsibilities here especially in my church & ministry.

This might be the “dumbest” thing I’ve ever done, as one friend described it. But I am prepared to try. I’m happy enough to be able to start out in bit parts. At least I’ll be getting somewhere.

I’m only young once. It’s now or never. This one year will be a preparation.

Looking forward to joining New Life Church over there. It’s exciting times, and I want to be involved in what God is doing.

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008