Official Artist
Laura Kee
Actor , Screenwriter , Model
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Here come the Post-Production Blues.

I knew I’d feel this way once the whole production was over. That’s why I didn’t look forward to the end of production as much as some of the others did. Maybe I’m just a more emotional creature. Haha.

4 months flew by. And “The Screwtape Letters” people are awesome. One of the most fulfilling productions I’ve ever worked on, because we have a common purpose & faith. I miss them already.

3 performances at Jubilee Hall. All sold-out. It was wonderful, wonderful, wonderful to see our hard work bearing fruit. To experience the grace of God.

img_7397The “Cast” Tag - with Wormwood’s side profile

Wormwood & Erik were like one & the same person. He’s awesome.

I don’t know when he’s Wormwood & when he’s Erik. Haha.


**Where it all started, kind of.

“The Screwtape Letters” scrīpt & Programme Booklet**


That’s Me! :)**


Flowers from the Directors

One flower for each performance day,

and an extra flower ’** cos Timmy (Light Designer) passed his to me.


**Flowers from my Mum & Grandma

They came for the Saturday Matinee :)**


Notes from Directors, Producer, Stage Manager & Co-actress**

Sigh. It’s over. Don’t know whether to be happy, or sad. Haha.

Time to move on. So many things happened, and somehow I’m not very sure of myself anymore.

There’s always the Post-Production Party. Which I’ve to help plan for. 

Smile, Laura You’re beautiful the way you are. No need to pretend to be anyone else.

Thank You, Lord. Thank You so much. I really, really, really love You. :)

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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