Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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i find my courage again.


Did you catch the Asian Youth Games Opening Ceremony on 29 Jun, 7p.m., Channel 5? This is the media team that made it work – “live” video feed (not the live broadcast, which was done by MediaCorp!), sound & graphics. Awesome experience… Although I had to re-do so many slides over that 5-day period, but I’m glad I got to be a part of this journey. (Photo credits: Karen Keng)


If you’re wondering what part I had to play in all this hype, I was in charge of the graphics on the top LED screen – the one with the “WELCOME” in the above picture. Basically adding to the whole glitz & glamour, and providing information on the various mass displays, as well as listing the names of the various countries during the Parade of Athletes.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was the Guest-of-Honour. So cool.


Following all that hullabaloo, a door opened to me to do freelance work under the Events Department of Xtron Productions (whom I worked under during AYG). Basically a lot of design work is involved… In my mind, I was thinking, “ ME?! I’m not officially trained in design & all I know is Photoshop & I can’t do the kind of designs that Joanna & Juslin can do so easily!” But I decided to give it a shot, and stretch my wings in the Events industry. A few opportunities have arisen, and they seem to confirm the value that people see in me as a designer. So I decided, why not?

Design Word

In this new role, I constantly have to remind myself of my dream, because I don’t even take time out to apply for acting jobs anymore. So I’ve decided to take some time to apply for some castings tomorrow… Plus I need to get new headshots taken. Hopefully I get a new acting gig soon.


I think God reminded me of Abraham’s story at the right time. Even as I continue to move on & prosper, God’s promise is still waiting to come to pass in my life, at His timing. A door will open… And I will be the right person, at the right place, at the right time. Just have to keep working hard… And focussing on the dream. :)

His gift to me is the ability to learn fast & have a good memory. I can excel in so many areas in life, but He only has one purpose for me. I will have the courage to keep on keeping on… I will find my courage again.


“Courage doesn’t always roar.

Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying,

‘I will try again tomorrow.’”

- Mary Anne Radmacher -


Castings to apply for. Decentralised services this weekend – I’m based at Expo.  Need to practise vocals & guitar for my 2-song performance at Hark Music on 25 July, Sat. Advert design concepts to come up with. Offering message to share tomorrow. Tuition to teach.

Moving on, with His Dream in front of me. :)

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Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008