Official Artist
Laura Kee
Actor , Screenwriter , Model
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I Lift My Eyes

How was Valentine’s Day? For me, Valentine’s Day is an over-hyper & over-priced day, so I was happy enough to go shopping for sports goods & necessities on that day. Bought shampoo & conditioner… I also kicked off my exercise plans by buying a new set of goggles & swimming cap, as well as a skipping rope! I’m happy to report that I used my skipping rope that very night, but I really need more discipline to keep exercising! 21 days to form a habit… Does that mean I need to skip, swim & run 21 days continuously?!? Hahaha… :)

I’ve been busy with tuition and giving courses in schools. Of course, rehearsals for the upcoming “The Screwtape Letters” form an essential part of my schedule now. Rehearsals are taxing, and I had to sacrifice a dinner with my JC friends on Sunday… But I think it’s worth it. Everyone is getting more & more stressed over the production, especially the directors. However, I think I’m giving it my best & I’m proud of myself. Heh.

Been in low spirits though, and scared of slipping into a depressed state again over my acting career. I try & try and never seem to get anywhere. The ups & downs take a big heart to bear, and sometimes I wonder if I’m ever gonna “make it”. But I shall try & try again. Crying & feeling sorry for myself won’t bring me anywhere… though it is a huge relief to cry everything out. But, why can’t I ever cry when I’m in a role & supposed to cry?? It must be the lack of focus & the stress. That’s something I’ve to work on.

Finances in dire straits again. Argh.

I will lift my eyes to the hills, from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.- Psalm 121:1-2 -

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
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Member Since
October 9, 2008