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Laura Kee
Actor , Screenwriter , Model
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I Want To Wish Upon A Star

Today I agonised over a e-mail reply. A reply which did not come. A lost assignment. Lost income. Then I questioned myself: “Am I very silly? I think my friends don’t get it when I sigh over.. or am sad over my acting assignments.”

My very close friend said: “ I just wanna believe there’ll be more coming your way…”

I keep trying… Believing too. I just wanna close my eyes, wish upon a star, pray to God & everything will just appear in front of me. My deepest desires all fulfilled. But I know things don’t happen that way.

As that same friend said: “ Whatever happens is ’cause God wants us to go through that experience, sometimes not necessarily pleasant I guess.” And he is right. 

Thank you, JH. For always supporting me & believing in me all these years.
hugs Even when others don’t get why I choose to suffer in this manner… You are one of those who continually support me & believe in my dream. Thank you so much.

I wish time would go by faster. Time seems to be going so slowly tonight. Sigh.

My friends are really the best. When I sighed on Facebook, their concern for me through FB & MSN was evident. hugs to all.
:) Oh well, even if I lose this assignment (though I pray I won’t), I pray that God will open up more doors for me in the next few weeks. Amen. Thank You, God.

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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October 9, 2008