Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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“I Wanted That.”

Sometimes it tends to get pretty disappointing.

I’ve had 7 auditions since last Wednesday, that’s 7 auditions in 9 days. Most of the productions are no-pay or low-pay. I’m just biding my time till I get my proper headshots done etc, then I can start sending my resume to production companies & talent management agencies, and the like.

I understand that rejections are part and parcel of an actor’s life. After all, I may not fit the “look” some directors are looking for. AND I really need to improve on my acting skills, and my “awkwardness” which is due to my natural personality. Haha.

I’ve got one project, low-pay, ‘cos it’s a student project. And it requires me to challenge my boundaries which is great, I always want to learn more and improve with each production.

But I’m feeling rather disappointed over one production, “Unspoken Boundaries”, which I auditioned for last Saturday. It’s about a sister-brother relationship & how they deal with it. I’m drawn to the emotional aspect of the film, and I really wanted the role. But I haven’t got a callback yet, so I guess I’ve to give up hope.

Sigh. Deal with it, Laura. :(

Still lining up more auditions. Right now, I’ve got 5 more auditions coming up, 3 on this Saturday itself. Craziness!!! Haha, I foresee myself rushing from place to place. But it’s fun, and I enjoy it!

Am planning to commit myself to Dance lessons & Vocal lessons. But I need to convince my parents to help pay for them first… Sigh. Feel bad about it already.

Today, something freaky happened. I was at Bukit Timah Plaza, getting my current headshot developed into 4R photos. When I went up the escalator, a guy who was on the down escalator suddenly said, “Hello.” I thought nothing of it. But when I went to Popular bookstore to hang around while waiting for the photos to be developed, he suddenly popped up next to me again! And started chatting to me, asking me to go out for coffee, and for my contact… Weirdo! He’s the middle-aged uncle kind, wearing specs. I declined all his offers, rather nicely I may add, and he left. Oh my goodness, so desperate?!


Some photos from Shing’s BD Celebration last night. :) Went to TCC @ International Building, Orchard. They tried to convince me to join the Beauty Pageant for Asia Conference. Haha, I’ll think about it.

Friendship. :)

The Birthday Gal & Me

Tingting, yet to be twenty. Haha.

As I was reading Shing’s blog, I was reminded of the joys that these friendships have brought to me. In the midst of growing up in church, I have made so many friends who I can fellowship with and share both my victories & failures with. It is a privilege to be among good friends like these. And I thank God for them.

Happy Birthday, Shing :) Wishing you great joy & happiness in the years ahead. I’m happy to be a part of your life, almost like a proud parent. Haha. I pray that you continue to grow more in God’s kingdom. He truly has many great and mighty exploits for you to do… Keep walking with Him.

Thank you, all my friends. :)

“The future belongs to those who believe

in the beauty of their dreams.”- Eleanor Roosevelt

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Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008