I apologise.
It’s been a week since I last updated, so I figured I better get a post up on my blog, before cobwebs start forming. Haha.
Well, I’ve got photos aplenty from my shoot last week, as some of you can see on Facebook. For those of you
not yet on Facebook, where have you been?? Quick get an account now!
Laura Kee, ever the Facebook Evangelist.
I’ll be posting the photos here, as well as my running commentary on the 3-day shoot. As soon as I get the time & I have the patience to do so. Probably by tomorrow? fingers crossed
I thought that I’d be bumming around with nothing to do, twiddling my thumbs & being extremely bored these 2 weeks, but it turns out my schedule has been filling out pretty well. I say pretty well, ‘cos of course I want it to fill out more.
Anyway, this weekend I have 2 shoots, for 2 separate short films. Will I be exhausted? Tired out? Well, in a way, I guess. But since I’m doing what I love, I have no complaints. The power of passion. Haha
I’ll be doing a couple of modelling interviews, as well as a potential audition in KL this Thursday. Which means that I’ve a 5-hour bus journey up there, and another 5-hour journey back. But it’s a chance not to be missed.
“Don’t look for answers.
Just take your chances.
Don’t ask me why.”
- Billy Joel
I’ve rehearsals in the pipeline as well. And I’ve sent out letters to Casting Agents, Production Cos., Actors’ Agents and the like, and believing for positive replies. Focusing on Feature Films & TV Productions now.
Was pretty discouraged towards the end of last week, but I thank God for encouraging me through Friday & Saturday. Reminding me that He reigns over all my life, every situation. Everything in the universe is within His hands. And teaching me the importance of thinking, visualizing, believing & speaking in faith. I do that everyday now.
Spending time with Him everyday. So that He becomes the centre of my life. Not my career, nor my dreams, nor my ministry, but God. God in the centre.
I will update soon, hopefully. Till then, be blessed!
Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT