Let me introduce my new website: http://www.laura-kee.asia
Alternatively, you can click on my picture on the sidebar to access the website.
Right now, it’s updated with the latest info & photos, but I’ll be updating now and then. If you have any suggestions as to what I should include in the website, please feel free to let me know!
Excited about my new domain and website, which I designed using my Mac.
Yesterday, our ministry had our first official meeting for the Asia Conference preparations. Suffice to say, there’s a lot to be done within a short span of time. For those of us who are used to serving at JW, we have a lot of catching up to do, in terms of learning how to use the equipment at Expo. But I’m confident that we will be able to run an awesome conference - we have great leaders, great members, and above all, a great God!
I’ll be in charge of the Praise & Worship segments, as well as the goings-on in Hall 7. But firstly, I’ve to deal with the issue of delegating the manpower, which is my weakness. I’m not very good at admin & planning, so I’ve got to get this part over and done with before I move on. Haha.
Exciting times!
I’ll be going for a Mac training tonight, to learn how to use the unfamiliar Mac software. At least I’m a Macbook user, so one hurdle less to clear. Phew!
One more month to the Asia Conference, and the pressure is building. My team went through a tumultuous time during the services last weekend. We were found lacking in some areas, and I seriously questioned my ability as a leader last weekend. It was a frustrating time for me.
Even as I reflect upon it now, I’m reminded that I am a servant of God who leads. So, in all things, all areas of ministry, I am doing it for the glory of God. If there are areas that are lacking, God is giving me this opportunity to take ownership and go up to a higher level. I always tell my members that there is always a higher level. You will never reach a standard where you can sit back on your laurels and think to yourself, “Yes, I have made it.”
In a way, ministry is our way of serving God, but also God’s way of moulding us. He teaches us leadership, servanthood, humility, teachability, teamwork, etc. through our ministry to Him. As a child of God, we are constantly growing and learning to be more like Jesus. Many of us complain when we go through a period of stretching, myself included. Yet at the end of the day, we find our capabilities are expanded, our thoughts are renewed, and we find a new purpose in God.
No pain, no gain.
I fasted from 6-to-6 & prayed for the past two days. Praying for a greater breakthrough in my acting career, and the opportunity to get the female lead role in an upcoming feature film that I will be auditioning for. I prayed that I would be able to take ownership of the role and make it my own.
I prayed for more highly-paid acting jobs, that I may be paid a higher pay in every project that I take on. Open up my mind to more possibilities. Grant me the favor of men.
On hand, I have 7 upcoming projects - 3 short films, 1 TV episode, 2 stage plays, 1 workshop. But I really desire the feature film role. Yet, I chose to fast & pray because I believe that everything comes through God. If this is His path for me, He will open doors of opportunity for me. So even as I put in the hard work, God is with me.
“I am the vine, you are the branches.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;
for without Me you can do nothing. …
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you,
you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit;
so you will be My disciples.”
- Jesus, in John 15:5, 7-8
Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT