Laura Kee
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InHerShoes2: Art & Music Against Cancer

Once in awhile, we get the opportunity to give a little piece of heaven to those around us. Rather than live in our individual tiny bubbles, it’s a chance to step out & do our part for society. Join us & enjoy an evening of Art & Music, while doing good at the same time!

InHerShoes2: Art & Music Against Cancer is a fundraising event held to remember the life of the late Pei Kie Ng. On25 May 2010 (Tue) at Sculpture Square (Middle Road), share the evening with artistes such as Debra Teng, Linda Black, Joanna Dong & Marcel Heijnen. The Gallery will also feature works from local designers & writers such as Anna Bervander, Addy Tan, Evon Zing, Simon Wong & Wil Kolen. More than 25 local actors, designers & musicians will be featured during this event.

Our fundraising target for this event is S$10,000. So far, we’ve hit almost 20%, but there’s only a few days to go before Tuesday arrives! Tickets & donations can be made at http://give.sg/ If you book online, there are group discounts, and automatic entry into a prize draw with over S$1,500 worth of prizes, including a year of free yoga.

Proceeds go to the Singapore Cancer Society – they need all the help we can give. If you’d like to find out more, please head to http://www.inhershoes.sg/.

Note:If 500 people participate in the giving, we only need to give S$20 per person to hit the fundraising target for this event. It’s not much, and it should be easy. Every cent of your S$20 counts towards saving a life!.

Hope to see you there!

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Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008