Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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keep it up, jinglun. :)

Singaporean singer, Huang Jinglun (Hayden), has vaulted from a virtual unknown to an overnight star because of the Taiwanese singing contest, “One Million Star”.

He is just so cute & blur at times. He had his humble beginnings in Singapore & I aspire to work as hard as he did to achieve my dream. Many of his performances can be found on Youtube & his album, “Jing’s Note”, is out in record stores. You can visit  his website or his blog.

But today I choose to focus on his dance, which is full of entertainment value. He has a horrible sense of rhythm & almost absolutely no dance sense at all. Yet, he tried his best in the competition & it was really really entertaining!

After he graduated from the singing competition (in 6th place), he was signed by Warner Music. And as you can see from the video below, he underwent some dance training. Hahaha, so adorable.

To the extent that he started teaching his fans how to dance to Show Lo’s song!


Absolutely adorable. :)

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008