Look at the state of my Organizer after just 2 months or so. The poor thing is falling apart. It's been a trusty companion thus far, and I love how I can keep track of everything happening in my career.
This week, I've just been to an audition for a
"Nerdy Girl" character, and I'm really hoping I'll nail it - with my nerdy spectacles complete with braces - the one time my braces actually work to my advantage.
On that note, my braces will be off by the end of the year, 4 months ahead of schedule~ Happiness :DAlso recorded VO Demos today - English & Mandarin versions, as well as a Filipino-accented English version. I hope they bear fruit!Tomorrow, I'm directing a class of 8-year-old boys for a Speech & Drama performance to be performed in 2 months' time, so
fingers crossed for a well-disciplined & effective session. Then, I'll be meeting a director to discuss an upcoming indie feature film project. Exciting.Finally, I'm in the midst of coordinating a charity event, InHerShoes 2011 - Art & Music Against Cancer.
Follow us on Twitter & tweet #IHS2011! It's a time for performers & artists to come together to give back to society. Donations will go to NCCS in support of Cancer Research.
We've chosen to be artists & performers, we've chosen to pursue this uncertain path in life. Keep busy, stay on track, and never give up.In life, you always have a choice. Choose to go after your dreams with all that you have~ Choose to use your position of influence for the betterment of society~ Choose to look on the bright side of life~ Choose to stand up & be strong~ Choose to live life & love life. :)
Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT