Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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listing your successes. listing happy things.

Read an actors’ handbook today, which encouraged me to list my successes. So I can build on them. Listened to the radio, and the DJ encouraged us to list 3 happy things at the end of every day, so it can bring more happiness to us.

So here goes…

**My Happy Things Today 1. Visited the Art Museum – got in touch with my creative side!

  1. My SCGS kids enjoyed today’s class ( I think!), even though it was early in the morn

  2. Got into the Actors’ Scene workshop & the Director who’s working with us next week is Malcolm Young – cool! he’s in the midst of developing feature films in S’pore!**

**Successes I Remembered Today 1. Awesome monologue I did for my last Performance Prac in Lasalle 2 years ago… I found the monologue scrīpt again!

  1. Kicking a** in Cubik production & loving it.**

Working on my career. Endless self-promotion – that’s something I need to brush up on. Be thick-skinned!

Ending the day happily. :D

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008