Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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more than just me. being an inspiration.

it’s been rather quiet recently. on this blog, in my life.

but in my mind, it’s been rather noisy. a lot of conflicting views.

2 nights ago, i prayed:

“God,   show me if I’m pursuing the right purpose.

I can be blind & deaf at times, Lord. Show me in a way which opens my eyes,

opens my ears to You.

There’s so much more to life. So much more to me.

Show me that greater purpose.”

i thank you, Robson & Joanna, for telling me i’m an inspiration.

it reminded  me of my original purpose in life: to be an inspiration.

a woman of many talents, i’m not afraid to admit that about myself.

many gifts, many talents in my hands. 

but One Calling. One Calling to serve God with whatever He has given me.


today i went for a modelling audition for Communic Asia.

at first I was hesitant about going… rubbing shoulders with so many models.

most of whom are probably far prettier than me.

but i decided to go.


IMG_7731       IMG_7732

as you guys can probably tell, i’m not very confident about my looks.

but oh well, these looks are God-given, so i’m thankful! haha. :)


after coming home, i went out immediately for tuition again.

still all dolled up. with false eyelashes.

my tuition students are enamoured with my alternate career.

they caught my performance on R.E.M. & are continuously asking me:

“When are you appearing on TV next? Must let us know, okay?”haha. cute… but they’re a terror to teach.

i spent 6 hours in their house yesterday – teaching 3 students!

i practically begged to be allowed to go home. hahaha.


have a few auditions over the next few days. faith.  

thankful for my students – i have 7 in all now!

and my pri 1 students at Meridian drive me crazy! but they’re adorable. :)

have to start my exercise regimen all over again.

i’ve started taking street jazz & hip hop classes at Studio Wu – irregularly.

the future is uncertain. but i’m thankful for the present.

it’s a time of preparation – finances, acting, singing, dancing, fitness

building up confidence.

planning to lose weight, tone up.


i have many talents, but one dream. wholeheartedly focused on Him.

thankful for my friends, especially my Chorus Board mates.

i am happy. :) contentment.

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008