Last night in bed, I pondered.
What is the meaning of life?
Yeah right. Hahaha, nothing as deep as that.
I was wondering about this fundamental question, “Why am I in this acting career?”
“What exactly is my goal?”
“Am I pursuing acting for the sake of acting , or for the sake of chasing a dream ?”
Where is God in all that I’m doing?
I shall not gain the whole world, and lose my soul.
I must be aware of why I’m doing what I’m doing.
My one passion in life is acting.
It can be unpredictable, very fun… andunexpected at times.I can get to be different characters, living different lives.
Experiencing different situations. Things I’d never do in real life.
Through acting, I got to ride a motorcycle.
I got to wrestle in the mud & fight against guys (though I’ve done that in Judo!).
I got to sit in a Lamborghini.
I became a murderer, a drug addict, even the spirit of Death.
Acting makes my life unpredictable, which is why I love it so.
***I always say that“I want to breakthrough!”* I want to get** “somewhere” **in this career.
But where exactly is this“somewhere”? I have no idea, honestly.**
**Feature film roles. TV roles. Taiwan. Japan.
Are all these just pipe dreams? Or can they be rooted in reality?**
Many open doors, which I just can’t seem to step through.Frustrating.
**Maybe I just need to be patient, re-focus & keep working hard.
Have a plan of action.
I’ll get to that“somewhere” **
**someday, if I don’t give up.
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