Laura Kee
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Off I Go Again



In a few hours’ time, I’ll be on a jet plane to Australia. 7-hour journey, and I hate plane rides ‘cos of my motion sickness. But I’ll be taking my medicine & watching movies onboard. Hmmm.. No idea what I’m gonna be doing there ‘cos my parents planned out the entire itinerary.

Still in the midst of packing now. For those who know me, I’m a super last-minute packer. My rationale is: I have to see what’s in the closet on the day itself before I know what to bring. And I always bring more than enough ‘cos I have so many clothes & choices, I bring everything I think I’ll need. Which is usually too much. Haha. After packing, I’m off to bid farewell to my grandma, whom I haven’t seen in over a month. Been too busy with my filming schedule & AC etc, so I’ve gotta see her before this trip!

I think my parents were shocked to find out I haven’t packed yet. Hahaha. And I’m still blogging!

Took the service team at JW today. It was a fairly simple service, and it went well. I’ll miss the people in church, and all my friends while I’m gone. sobs But when I’m back, I have the CUBIK Wrap Party & a secondary school class reunion to look forward to! And more projects, I pray.

Okay, I’m off to resume my packing. Flying off on a 11:50p.m. flight. :) I’ll miss you all, especially a few special friends. Let’s get together when I’m back! Haha. hugs!

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008