“If something is not happening for you,
it doesn’t mean it’s never going to happen.
It means you’re not ready for it.”
- Unknown -
Spent some time in His presence last Friday and offered up my dreams to Him. Let go of my dreams… Offered him my talents, my gifts, my treasures. A time of breaking…Coming to the end of my tether, which means I need to cling on to Him. Otherwise, I really cannot persevere on anymore. Such a struggle – clinging on to a dream that seems so impossible, but not being able to give up because of that still small voice – telling me there is something more.
What, Lord? What more is there?
I long to be in Taiwan. I long to make this my long-term career.
I am an actress – a professional actress. No longer a struggling wannabe.
But He tells me there is something more.
So I gave it all up to Him & put it in His hands. No longer my dream, my vision… but His dream, His vision, His purpose for me. We’re in this together, and if His vision in me has to come to pass, we have to work together. I’ll do what I can do, to the extent of my human ability… but He gives me supernatural strength, favour from men & open doors – things beyond my control.
“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”
- Walt Disney -
**Discipline – physical, mental & spiritual. Investing my talents & gifts.
Focus & preparation.**
*The journey is tough… but before I can receive the blessings, I must be ready for it.*
Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT