Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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For the past three days, I’ve been pottering about at home. Other than a few castings & scheduled meet-ups these few days, I’ve got nothing else planned. I’ll be taking off on a plane to Melbourne on Saturday night - the trip is a family holiday cum my brother’s graduation from foundation year at Trinity College. How quickly one year passes by.

So I’ve been keeping late nights and waking up early afternoons since Asia Conference ended. Been keeping my dog company. Other than watching TV, I’ve been browsing the Internet. Honestly speaking, I really don’t like lazing around at home in this manner. I’d rather much have something constructive to do!


My best friends have been these bedroom/house slippers which I use to cushion my feet as I walk around at home. They’ve been lying around unused since last Christmas. They make me feel really comfortable. :)

Went for a Casting today. Got all dolled up - using some new make-up tricks I learnt from a Taiwanese TV show earlier today. Haha. Wore my nice electric dress & high heels. It went okay.. When I reached there, I had to remind myself to get into “model” mode, which means exaggerated gestures & facial expressions in still shots. STILL SHOTS. Not moving.. unlike my acting background. Totally different mode. Haha.. It’s quite funny to see models pausing in mid-action, posing.


I got home and started posing in front of my MacBook’s Photo Booth. Haha.





Yes, yes, I’m cam-princessing again. Haha, I can’t help it! I took ages getting dolled up.. at least let me freeze this moment in time. I met Eddie at the Casting today, he was wearing the same T-shirt that I saw him wearing the last time I bumped into him. Haha.. I always meet up with guys who wear the same tee every time I see them. Maybe it’s just because guys have less clothes. Hmmm.

Went for 2 auditions last week. One was for a docu-drama hosting job, which I feel I did well for. The other was for a short film which I was originally meant to be doing, but they changed the scrīpt & decided to re-cast again. The audition was really fun at the end, ‘cos I auditioned with Victor, whom I worked with on CUBIK.

It was non-stop laughing at first, ‘cos every time he looked at me, he would laugh! We were left alone in the room to work out our scene together, and we ended up laughing & laughing & laughing. Till the producer came in and said something like, “Yes, we can see you have more than enough chemistry.” Still, we couldn’t stop laughing. Until we had to run through our scene, and dealt with everything professionally. But like Victor said, “I’ve never laughed so much at an audition before.” Hahaha. :)

I have another audition tomorrow. It’s for a short film. I don’t mind doing acting auditions, ‘cos I have confidence in my abilities. It’s the modelling castings which I have problems with, ‘cos I feel my looks can’t compare to the other models.. Something I have to overcome. Hmmm.



The whole Asia Conference was a blast. Even though I was stationed primarily at Hall 7, only managing to be in the thick of the action now and then, I still had a great time serving. It was a privilege to be part of the awesome conference, to be able to do my little part. I’m really proud of the entire Chorus Board team.. The end result was absolutely breathtaking.

We took a photo with Pastor Aries after the final session!


Impacting people, transforming places. More than words, more than inspiration. Now it is ACTION that counts. How am I going to touch the lives of others in order to bring about a greater change in the world? How can God’s vision for me be part of a bigger vision which He has for the church? God has placed me in the marketplace to influence culture, so that through me, the glory of God may shine into all of culture.

Money, fame & power are not the goals. They are the means to an end. I really admire the way Sun contributes to help make this world a better place. And I hope that someday, I may be able to do the same as well. :)

God has a great plan for this world & the people in this world’s culture. And I’m going to be part of His great plan.

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Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008