Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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Sleepy, but Satisfied

Woke up at the unearthly hour of 5:40a.m. - something I haven’t done in ages. All for the sake of the “一切完美II” (Perfect Cut 2) shoot. But I guess it is something that I’ve to get used to. Actually I don’t really mind the waking-up early part. It’s the performance part that gets to me.

Anyway, today’s shoot was at Harbourfront.

perfect-cutWith Furry Cushion at the Gym!****


With other calefares


With Julian Hee**

Quite a smooth shoot, which ended ahead of schedule. Thankfully, ‘cos I was quite hungry before the shoot started & by the time it ended, I was famished & starving! Haha. The director is quite different from those I’ve worked with before, in a good way. I learnt a lot from him today & will be trying to improve my performance onscreen.

Appearing in  **“一切完美II” (Perfect Cut 2) Episode 3, airing on Channel U (6 Mar, Fri, 10p.m.). Short 4-line appearance. Oh well. *


Super sleepy after that and headed home for a bit of rest before going for tuition. Rushed to an audition after tuition ended. Phew. Audition went well & I felt I had a bit of breakthrough compared to the past few auditions. I’m getting back in the “groove”, so to say. Ha.

Leaving the 2 jobs in God’s hands now. I’ve done all I can… Just pray for favour of men. Favour of clients. I need to know the right people, to get me to higher places.

Living my life for Jesus.

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008