Official Artist
Laura Kee
Actor , Screenwriter , Model
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so many thoughts.

i’m not a very organised person.

in fact, organisation is one skill which i lack, and which jacelyn has an abundance of.

i’m better in execution… maybe that’s why we work together so well at JW. haha.

i wanted to write this blog entry… but i had so many thoughts.

so jeremiah told me: “categorise”. yeah right. hahaha.

i shall try to marshal my thoughts then.



i had a blast over the weekend. it was fun & laughter, and so much joy & happiness.

an audition on Saturday went okay.. but more importantly, i had fun chatting with the people involved in the production team.

Saturday & Sunday services went well… i love my awesome team! 

May's BD

went for May’s BBQ B’day Party on Sat with other Chorus Boarders. it was so much fun. :)

jacelyn & jenna & mengwei & sihui & kelvyn & jeremiah etc…

i laughed so much – my jaws hurt.

at night, i went for supper with my family… i laughed even more – my jaws hurt.

but it was such a happy day.

Sunday as well.

met my SOT Team 4 (from last year) at Dhoby Ghaut & played games at Settlers’ Cafe.




Did you know that years ago, there were already predictions of “swine flu”?

People said that, “when America gets her first Black President, pigs will fly.”So the “swine flew”. Hahahahahahahaha. :)


The day was Saturday. After service… speaking to one member, G, a gal.

G: Are you attached?Me: Yes.G: Too bad for him.pointing at Mengwei

Me:speechless  thought bubble appears above Laura’s head: “….. ??? ……”



been reading my past entries in October & November when i first embarked on this journey.

they were so inspiring. so full of faith.

i must regain that faith. i am thankful that in these short 8 months, i’ve been involved in 9 short films, 1 mini-feature,  6 TV productions, 2 stage productions, 25 school shows, 1 corporate video & 2 events. that’s a pretty healthy report card.

Thank God.

now people are looking for me, which is what i wished for 6 months ago.

but i need to work on my showreel, and my headshots etc. i must continue to work hard.

i want to be an inspiration. 

**your dreams can come true, if you have faith & work hard.

“according to your faith, let it be done.”**

**did another short film today,“9:35″  for a Temasek Poly final-year student.

got “blood” stains, am extremely exhausted, but thankful for the opportunity.

the production team have a number of people from CHC as well. awesome.

my co-actor even said grace before we had lunch! **

SAF shows coming up. considering if i should be a part of“Steadfast” , a short film.

praying i get more roles, more open doors. 


**okay, that’s it for now.

my random thoughts have not overwhelmed you, i hope.

looking forward to some rest tomorrow morning,

before singing lesson & tuition in the afternoon & evening.**


last week, during CGM, we were giving words of wisdom or knowledge to each other.

the other member saw a STAR  with more than five points… multiple facets.

she didn’t know the interpretation. but i hope that God shows it to me personally. :)


But without faith it is impossible to please God,

for he who comes to Him must believe that He is,

and that He is a rewarder of

those who diligently seek Him.

Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV)


about 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Member Since
October 9, 2008