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Laura Kee
Actor , Screenwriter , Model
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Social Media & the restless me.

Now with the advent of social media, I find I have a multitude of social media accounts, and no idea what to do with them. How do I become a social media star (assuming I'd even want to be one)?    I guess I should resume my sparse Vlogging - I only seem to do it when I'm overseas i.e. Hong Kong & Australia, because really, how interesting could life be here? And I can't videotape stuff when I'm on set, as tempted as I am to do so. I may be tackled by security. LOL. Just kidding. I've now officially started my role as Casting Director for an upcoming horror film - “灵听”. And when production starts, I will be morphing into 2nd Asst Director. We'll be filming throughout December - the rainy season! Normally, I love the rain & I get all excited when I hear pouring rain. But when it interrupts a shoot, I'm not that crazy about it.Traditionally, film crews use chilli & garlic to bring hot weather - I'm not too sure about this superstition though. Haha. Not a very superstitious person here.And Halloween's coming! I don't celebrate it, ever. But tremendously tempted to celebrate it & dress up this year! A bit late to be thinking of a costume, I guess... Though I'd really love to take on my alternative witch identity -  So I'm officially a Slytherin, according to Queen JK Rowling herself.Anyway, for those curious about my numerous Social Media identities... here's a listFacebook PageTwitterWeibo 微博YoutubeTumblrGoogle+And I've got a ton of inactive social media accounts as well. What to do - when you're restless, you're restless. Till next time!

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
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Member Since
October 9, 2008