Official Artist
Laura Kee
Actor , Screenwriter , Model
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something. somehow. somewhere. TODAY.

Sticks and stones may break my bones

But words will never hurt me

A thin heart & a thick skin

People told me that’s what I need

So I try to survive each & every passing day

Holding my head up anew

Not letting the comments get to me

Not letting the rejections & disappointments get me down

For I know the moment I give up

Is the moment I fail

And as long as I keep pressing on

As long as I keep sowing and plowing the ground

My day will come


Today. I asked myself,

“Is this really what you want? Your life, just like this?”

And the answer is: No. My life isn’t just like this.

It’s more than this

And this is just the beginning!

The journey has barely started. The path is barely trodden.

So I’m taking the path least-trod

So I’m the weird one. The smart one with a ‘foolish’ dream.

So what?

It’s my life. It’s now or never

I ain’t gonna live forever

I’m rejected and dejected today

Tomorrow when I wake up, I start anew

Words. What can they do to me?

Just bruise my ego. No big deal.

Yes, I’ve been called ‘ugly’ before

Once someone said I looked like I had a stroke

What a vague descrīption

I’m as good as the value I place on myself

I choose my own value

And I say I am priceless

I am priceless in the eyes of God

I am priceless in the eyes of my family. My close friends

I am priceless, in my own eyes

My life was bought with a price – Jesus’ blood

Something, somehow, somewhere, will come my way

A breakthrough

Jumping over the hurdles. Breaking down the obstacles.

Jumping through the rings of fire

Hurts. Tears. Broken heart.

Who knows?

Who cares?

And even if no one cares

It doesn’t matter

‘Cause this is my life

And I’m doing the best I can

To make this life count

In the end

People only look at the successes

Never at the trials, tribulations, sufferings, hurts, tears

That came before the victories

People only see the lightbulb

Not Edison’s failed inventions

So everything that happens now I stomach it alone

Knowing that, one day

When my success is apparent for all to see

That’s all they will see

And I work towards that day

The journey brings many lessons

Moulds me

Changes me

So that I am ready for the final destination

For eternity

I keep pressing on


over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
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Member Since
October 9, 2008