Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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Status Quo

My student asked me a question today, “Why don’t you just find a steady job? So you don’t have to worry about money and have the peace of mind?” 

I tried to explain that acting is my priority in life now, and I have to fit my schedule around the flexible timing which an acting career demands. But he asked, “Are you afraid of commitment?” And I said, “No, I’m very committed to what I’m doing now.”

I just want to maintain the Status Quo.

It took me so many years to get to this stage in life, and now I can’t just give up. I think about what I’ve accomplished in the past one year, and I’m proud of myself & my achievements. Okay, so maybe I’m not “there” yet, but at least I’m on my way “there”.

Lately, a few people have been dissuading me from my dreams, and trying to persuade me to take a different path in life, the one I was “meant to live”. Steady career in the business/financial sector, marriage & kids, house & car. People cannot understand why I’m so insistent on following my dream, and they comment how it’s tough. They ask me the same question, “How long are you going to try?”

I wonder… Does more opposition mean that I’m going the right way?

Haha :)

I had a busy day today: teaching a “Show & Speak” course to Primary 1 students, then a Basic Phonetics course to Secondary 4 students, followed by a tuition session with my J2 student. At least I’m putting in my own efforts to earn money.

**It took me so long to decide to pursue my dream.

How can I give up now? **

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008