Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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Taiwan: Island of Dreams

Since August 10, I’ve been mulling over an idea in my mind. The idea of taking off from Singapore, and going to Taiwan to develop my acting career. Since that conversation with my team-mate, and her suggestion that I join the church there while advancing my career, I’ve been thinking. Sometimes, it seems like two factions in my mind are warring against each other.

To Go, Or Not To Go?

Haha. :)

The main difference between Taiwan & Singapore is the entertainment culture. To Singaporeans, the entertainment industry is only one facet of our society. Many Singaporeans view success as being wealthy and excelling in the business world. To Taiwanese, the entertainment industry plays a bigger part in shaping the youth culture. Many Taiwanese youth look up to celebrities as role models. That is the difference in culture, and that is the culture I want to immerse myself in if I want to pursue this dream.

Looking back over the one year, I realised that I have not progressed much. I need to improve and work hard at my craft every single day in order to get to where I want to be - leading roles in TV & Film or Stage.

I live, and breathe, for my passion.

Other than learning more monologues, improving my marketing & personal sales skills, and preparing for more auditions, I’ve decided to work even harder. I have set myself goals to learn Cantonese & 台語, to learn Dance, to jog regularly, and to lose weight. I need to improve by leaps and bounds in order to make my dreams come true.

Today, someone asked me: “What do you have that makes you think you will succeed in the entertainment world?” I admit, I was stunned by the question at the time. Other than my passion, I have little else at the moment. But I’ve learnt along the way, it takes more than talent and skill to succeed in this path of life. And often, I will feel lonely and experience failures. But I’m blessed that through it all, God has faith in me. This mustard seed of faith and passion within me will bring me far.

Another person asked me today, “Why aren’t you in this type of Mediacorp shows?”

I said, “No, I can’t.”

But he said, “You haven’t even tried, how would you know?”

It’s tough. But I will get there. I will carve out a career in the entertainment industry, a niche to call my own. I will make my dreams come true, God-willing.

So many thoughts. 

Today, I was reminded of the importance of soul-winning.

Even celebrities can do it.

What am I doing with my life now?

“Life is too important to be taken seriously.”

- Oscar Wilde - 

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008